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So, it finally happed. At long last, the one thing I was sure would never happen.

The same girl won both polls!

Albedo (Overlord) is our Art and Sequence poll winner!

As this is something I never had expected I don't have a rule in place for this.

So this is how I will be doing this.

I will be drawing a 4 part sequence of her, it seems fair to use the extra image to flesh it out a bit more while I flesh her out!

From now on, if this ever happens again, which ever poll had the most votes for the winning character will be the one that counts, and will go the the runner up on the other poll!

As she won twice in a month, she will be removed from poll suggestions for 6 months instead of 3.

Over all, I am happy to get an opportunity to draw her again, and a bit more time to do her justice! I'll be posting it all together so expect to see this in full by next weekend!

Thanks again for voting and suggesting, you guys have a lot of power when you decide you want a girl huge!



Now you only have to worry about the other thing that is NEVER going to happen


4 part sequence sweeeeep!