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Hello everyone! The year is going well so far and I'm excited to keep fattening up your favorite girls, but I need some advice going forward.

I've noticed that in general my illustrations don't get that much attention on here, and as I am drawing for you guys I want to be creating the content you want to see. 

I know Never Enough Bites is something you all look forward to, and I have so many plans all written out on how to keep things interesting!

Diva's to Donuts is getting into it's...kinda spicy arc so I think you guy might enjoy it a bit more going forward.

And my comics still in development are being created to be more in line with your feedback and over all reactions to my current comics.

What I really need to know is, what do you actually want to see from me? Please if you vote could you give some feedback on why you choose what you did and what you would like to see more of, or less of.

In the end, this art is for all of you, I've tried to capture a variety of shapes, styles, and mixes of NSFW and SFW fat content and I want to continue improving not only my style, but my content in general!

I can't do this without you all! You are the ones making my dream come true, so please help me make the fat art of your dreams!



Honestly I would miss if you stopped doing normal illustrations to just do comics. I voted for a mix of both but If I could vote for multiple ones I'd have voted for more NSFW content aswell. Nevertheless, all your content is really good, keep it up :D


It's gonna sound cheesy af but I'm gonna be satisfied with whatever you post lol altho I do like the cute slice-of-life style comics, short or otherwise


Thank you! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond! I love doing both myself, so I hope the community enjoys them as well. I'm getting more comfy with NSFW stuff, so I'll continue to work that in from time to time!


It’s not in there but a finale to the persona series would be great!


I'm also a big proponent to you continuing to do a mix of illustrations and comics. It's a good way to bring variety in between pages and I tell you like making them. It's also nice to see other characters in your style. I especially love the little mini-sequences you do. Really do hope you continue with that style even if for some reason your normal illustrations don't seem to get many likes


I feel like coming help you get notice because your style (story, character and art style) is amazing 👏.


I actually had an idea for that one, it became an issue as with so many girls it takes a long time to draw, and would be difficult for me to fit it in, without losing a comic page, or a few illustrations. However I will give you guys the option to have it come to reality soon! I'll announce this next month!


I actually love drawing a lot of different characters! It's been something that makes me really happy. So I'm really glad to hear you say this.


Well that’s me satisfied! Other than that I have no “qualms” with what you upload. All of them slap hard


I agree with Brute in that seeing you continue doing both comics and illustrations would be nice. I put my vote in for more comics with faster gains and less story. Having less story would mean not being stuck on one thing for so long and cuts back on the amount of thought of "will they reach this size"?


Love your take on larger ladies for both video games and anime. Really hope to see more of that going forward. Also, your Never Enough Bites Comic looks like it's heading in an awesome direction. Thank you for all the wonderful art ❤️

ARandom Person

I've really enjoyed the mix we've gotten. I always enjoy the comics but illustrations are a nice change of pace to have with them.

Matthew Allen

If I may add my opinion. You're content may feature oc's a little too heavily. If you instead made more fan art of our favourite characters we polled on or suggested then it might pull a bigger audience. The artist Chunks is popular with his Resident Evil pin ups, betterwithsalt's Lucy comic is a community fav. And maybe less comics more one shots or pin ups, the stories are good but a quick comic that's 3 or 4 pages is more exciting then a single story told over a year.


While I prefer the comics, your output is pretty insane so I've never felt like anything was getting neglected that much. I'd rather you didn't burn yourself out on comics if that's not the only thing you wanna do


I wish this was a pick all that apply poll


More NSFW art, I like it a lot and you have very good talent to do it, it would be something very good


As it is in general, I enjoy story-focused stuff the most. It gives everything a reason and a cause, even though the intentions of some characters are sometimes a mystery. But that's actually a good thing for me as well since I enjoy stories where not everything is obvious. Illustrations do look nice but they lack a cause. On top, at least half the characters might be well-known but I have no connection to, or don't even know who they are. For this kind of stuff (that should still be decided by polls) you could create a mini-comic, somewhat similar to what you did when you created the Fire Emblem Engage short. Maybe add some kind of cause for the weight gain as well and make it 3-5 pages, even though it takes longer I'd be fine with that. Doesn't even need a detailed background or anything, just a bit of interaction and reaction.


Love your illustrations but definitely more comic especially your new your working on, but maybe an extra page of donut cause I feel that always gets out voted by one more bite a lot that’s just me lol but your doing amazing overall


i think a big portion of what makes you stand out from others (and why im here) is because of your comics. i enjoy the build up/getting to know the characters, and your comics are definitely some of my favorite stories compared to what’s out there rn. either way, it’s all good content, it makes no difference to me


I've really enjoyed A Taste of Temptation, looking forward to the main story! For me, enthusiastic gainers are definitely the best.


I really adore your stuff overall, but I do feel like part of the reason your illustrations are getting less attention is because there's less character in them than before. I'm not saying you have to write a whole mini comic about them, but it should be something that shows off the personality of the character. I want to keep seeing both comics and illustrations.


Hope the stuffing with Alex isn’t over yet I thought it was just getting good


I set only one so I could try to capture the biggest thing people were looking for. I felt it would be too even if I allowed multi votes.


I'm glad to hear that, as NSFW stuff is something I am still a bit new to! I'll keep working to improve and put more out.


The fire emblem one is something I would like to be able to do more often, mini comics as well. I can't do it with monthly poll stuff as much as sadly I would need to cut out some of my weekly comics to do so, but I'll be looking into options for things like this going forward.


Thank you! I love doing my comics and coming up with new characters. Creating comics is actually what got me into doing all this so I'm glad to see you like them!


I will say the main story is going to be a bit different, but Hina in this story was using traits of a few of the cast combined, so I still think you will like what you see.


The girl can only take so much, the funnel is something even Alex had no defense against and was a bit more than she was expecting, even if she would never admit it.

Matthew Allen

That'd be great. Also remember that for new people joining, trying to catch up with a 64 page comic is quite an investment, especially on patreon that loads pages slower then deviantart. I myself don't know the plot of diva to donuts cause there was a backlog of 40 pages.


Given what we just saw in this page yeah liz and the girls are be in good hands 😈😏