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I've gotten a few messages about the series and just want to clarify a few things about the final pages.

There is still roughly about 4-5ish pages at most left of the current story. I know it seemed like Elizabeth's statement there felt like bit solid ending but the next few pages will feel more like an epilogue and are going to lead into the next comic which will be called "Never Enough Bites". So keep a lookout for it later in January.

The holidays were a bit hectic for me and I haven't had a chance to address what's happening with it as well as I would have liked.

I hope that helps clear some questions up!



You should have titled the post: “just one more update” Anyway I can’t wait for what’s in store for the future!!!!


Ah ok thanks for clearing that up but yeah it feels like it’s only getting better at this point

James Duke

So excited to see where the story goes. Not going to lie, this is currently my favorite running comic from any artist!


I remember this was supposed to be 20 pages but this series is great


I might be one of the few people this did not feel like an ending/cliffhanger. Only after I've read other people's comments I realized that. Regardless I'm looking forward to seeing what comes next, trying not to have my imagination run wild again.


All I want to know is at any point in the future comics will Alex get spanked(have her booty smacked) or is that out of character for either the maid, Lizy or Gina to perform on Alex?