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Hi Everyone, it's me again with the thing!! ^^

So I just want to give a big thank you for all the support on my Patreon, social media, and just all the kind messages you all send to me!

This is officially my second year doing Patreon content and about 10months of doing my current content that we have now... From Diva to Donuts is getting a cute comic cover/illustration. 

The fanart of choice this month will, well, be a surprise... I haven't quite picked just yet. 

Some extra sketch art/linework with an added poll will happen this month.

Taste of Temptation will unfortunately come at a slow pace. Due to some life stuff and overall quality I want to slow down a bit here. There will be at most 10 pages to this cute small story.

Poll requests have been sent out so if you are in $10 and up take a peak at your messages if your interested!

I'm taking  today to recharge as life has been pretty stressful this past month however I'll do my best to get back to everyone in regards to inquiries or poll stuff.  As I didn't quite get the chance on my birthday yesterday.

To add, anything scheduled may be subject to change as to ease some stress from my busy life/art schedule some of these may be delayed so I can take my time to provide the best art at my current skill! However when I say delay I mean like at the very most day or less.

Thank you all again!




Happy Belated Birthday and thank you for all the wonderful art! You and Better-with-Salt are probably the best fat artists out there so keep it up!


Happy birthday! There just seems to be so much on here! Really appreciate the volume and quality of art you create for us. Hope you find your art happy place through your experimentation :)