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Hey all, just going to give my usual content update! See above for a quick peek  but I'll type it out real quick below!

New poll for this month... OC Halloween poll!!!  The choices will be once the poll is posted...

1. Alex (Sexy fat cat outfit) Gina (Cute Witch) Elizabeth (Devil outfit)

2.Mana (Angel outfit), Iris (Vampire outfit), Maya (Pumpkin)

3. Hina (Elf cosplay), Yue (Sexy Maid)

Also, I hit my Patreon goal again so the extra comic page poll will pop up soon as well!! THANK YOU ALL!!

The biggest news is the mini comics will be on hiatus for a bit as I will be doing some art improvement practice with a fun new little comic.

This new comic project will be for me to practice and improve my quality, art, comics and overall style.

It will be featuring two of my OC's Hina and Yue. This is not going to connect to their canon story or canon personalities/weight/shape and simply be a fun scenario.

Not sure how many pages yet but I'd like to have them out on Thursdays but as they are for improvement I may need longer!

I want to improve my art for you all and give more consistent and fun fatty goodness! I just want to keep giving a welcoming experience to my art and my patreon!

You are all awesome, thank you all for supporting me!




Love the idea of you doing some experimental stuff to improve even further