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Hina's Struggles on what to wear on her date with Yue!

For those interested in some more info on my next big comic project. Read below!

I'm still changing around my girls here. I've got a lot planned for Hina and Yue (Previously Yui). 

A couple changes still made but when writing and story boarding that's to be expected. This is my more lengthier comic planned as I've been learning a lot from my other stories and ideas. I want this to be an amazing Gainer story alongside what I've done in "Just one more bite" with some cute girls trying to figure out their lives  like "Dive to Donuts".... So it will be a combination of the two ideals. I've been doing my best to improve my art and concepts so I can give you guys some extra fatty goodness.

 This comic won't take priority over any current comic slots and will probably be ready once From Diva to Donuts is finished.

Some hints on the story "The trouble with temptation is once you have given in there is no going back. Some go in for another bite, others never stop. Every time you fall the way back shrinks a little more while you dive deeper and deeper into obsession. A comic about finding that exact breaking point when restraint gives way to indulgence and the effects that cascade to others. "

Thank you all for the support on all my fatty projects so far!! I can't wait to keep making more!




Love her past self reflected in the Mirror she’s slowly growing into her new form she’ll soon to admit to it


I see that she like Mana, her denial is strong as her or maybe stronger.


Denial is strong in this one I’m sure some cake will snap her back into realty