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Hello everyone! Time for my first ever flash poll! That's right! This poll will only be available until 11am Eastern time Wednesday June 15th

One Chance Karma was always meant to be a collection of stories all set in a cruel bleak near future, this however started with Lux and would eventually move to other side character to continue the story.

However both on Patreon and on Deviant Art/Social media Once Chance Karma doesn't have much of a reception. I'm quick to admit when I make a mistake and am not ashamed to back down on something even when the ground work is done.

So I give to you the ability to change my direction! Should Once Chance Karma continue? Or should I post the first page of a very short comic with a new OC I've been working on?



I've quite liked it so far! Considering the nature of the story, perhaps you could play around with one of the other characters before dropping the universe entirely? It just feels like a shame to end it prematurely, especially as it seems you've put a lot of thought and care into the setting! That said, I certainly understand concern over the reception, especially when it comes to a big comic project like this, I've been there myself.


I really like one chance karma! I hope it continues


Were Fel and El going to come out in this comic? Then let's hope this cartoon continues.


Well, Fel and El are demons and technically distant relatives of Ruby they were not planned to appear in this story as it takes place far in the timeline after their adventure. I have a partially completed storyboard for a remake of them that I might make into a comic someday if there's interest.


If it goes away it will come back in some form or another. Ruby is pretty resourceful and I doubt they would accept their own comic going away without some sort of fight.


The next two arcs were going to focus on the bunny girl we saw briefly at the bar, her name is Roxy. Roxy has a few weaknesses that a certain Demon would love to exploit. The next would be Reya, the chubby mousegirl, as much as she tries to show her confidence there is lot more behind her then you can see in her brief appearance in chapter 1. Even Ruby might have a bit more than they can chew in a few places. I can see the comic slowly being weaved in when there is downtime.