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This comic is takes place in an alternate universe, which does not effect, change or alter the current comic "Weight of Experience". However deals with a alternate universe with a "what if Haruki and Yuki  and female" where their lives are much different and personalities are similar however a bit different.

I do a lot of story boarding and writing and this idea just flowed very well with me. I really hope this will be a story everyone can enjoy.

It currently is a personal comic project I will do in my free time so it has no concrete update schedule! 




I would totally read this


Now imagine her bigger like that dream daydream scene


Oh wow girl Haruki and Yuki? I'm in love with them even more somehow lol. They were already cute as hell but seeing Haruki ith long hair and even more feminine clothing is so cute.

Jayix Chezro

Ooo I'm excited OwO