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Hi all, thank you for joining me this month for more fun and cute art content!

You're poll winners from last month and will be drawn this month are....

Follow-up Poll - Astolfo

Next Art Poll Winner and Runner up - My OC Teru and N from Pokemon

Thank you all for suggesting and voting. I will be sending out messages to those able to make suggestions for polls soon any character who has won a poll recently can not be suggested as I would like to give some new ones a chance! 

I am ordering a new tablet soon as my current one has been struggling with the content I've been trying to do! Once I get it I will be setting up scheduled art streams. I can voice chat, talk about art, comic stuff, even help teach some art things while I make cute chub boys for you all! I'd like to be more social and interact with you all more.

Thanks everyone! 




Wait, wasn't there supposed to be a 9S pic from last month? Just was curious.


It seems with 9S's new size deployment takes him much longer than expected ( I was held up on other art projects so was unable to finish him in time with the quality he deserves) Once we finish custom ordering him some clothing he no doubt will quickly grow out of he will be ready for action.