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Ah, so my sketch of Mana turned into a group picture and prompt from my partner(@rainydayglutton on twitter) who really loves Mana so she helped me create a love interest for Mana and wrote a short story for her relating to the image! I hope you guys enjoy some Mana lore and some wholesomeness!


“Ugh… Why… I know I haven’t been holding back lately but I only bought this a few months ago.“  Mana sighed as she continued in vain to pull her size small swim suit onto her xl size body. Desperately pulling as hard as she could her face flushed from the exertion an unfamiliar tearing sound brought all her efforts to a halt. “This cannot be happening!” Mana said thumping the ground with her foot in frustration. “I don’t have time to replace this… we leave in an hour what am I going to d….” Mana interrupts herself as her eyes meet a messily opened box in her closet. “Is this…. My old collage clothing?” She thinks to herself “Oh yeah, Haruki did say he borrowed a few outfits from me before. I still can’t believe he let himself go like that” She giggled to herself “Oh.” Mana looked herself in the mirror examining her now plus sized figure. She reached down and poked her noticeably plump belly and to her shock felt it jiggle and bounce with her touch. She gingerly reached for her own protruding belly grabbing her flab with both hands giving it a shake. Mana blushed looking at this fat girl in the mirror… no looking at her own reflection. She continues her hand guided tour of self-discovery moving down to her pudgy round thunder thighs. Digging her fingers as deep as she could into her bulging leg fat, she expected to feel ashamed, but instead… why did she feel turned on?

“I… really did it… I let myself gain it all back…. No that’s not right, I’m fatter now than I ever was.” Mana utters aloud giving volume to her inner thoughts. “T…that’s right. I’m getting fatter” Mana said excitement building in her body “If I just keep eating like this… what will I look like in a few more months, or even years” Mana begins to lose herself in her dreams of self-indulgence before a familiar buzzing snapped her back to reality. “W…What was I doing! Oh! The phone!” Mana hastily answered seeing a familiar number flash the screen, flicking the answer button she greeted her recently reunited friend. “Oh! Hey Teru! Aren’t you a calling a bit early? Were not meeting up for nearly an hour still.” Teru takes a moment to respond as if formulating his response. With hesitation he finally speaks “Howdy Mana, I know this is right sudden but how would you feel about sharing a room with a friend of ours. I promise you two will hit it off! She’s as outgoing as you are!” Mana shrugged picturing a girl who would be friends with Teru. “I bet this girls big enough to make Haruki look small” She giggled thinking to herself. “Sure, that should be fine. Let her know she’s welcome to use my room!” “You won’t regret it! I think your going to like her a lot! We’ll be by to pick you up soon!” Mana looks at her tattered swimsuit nervously “S... sure! I’ll be ready!” Accepting her fate Mana reached into her previously too small clothing pile and pulls out a large, stripped bikini.  “It’s… a bit showy… but it will have to do! Because other than Hideki I’ll still be the smallest one there. I have nothing to worry about!”

It wasn’t long before Mana received the fated text that would signal the start of her vacation. “I can’t wait to meet this girl; she’s probably going to be a bit intimated by a beauty like me. It’s ok, I’ve spent enough time with Haruki and Teru that I’ll keep my composure regardless of how huge she might be.” As Mana approached Hideki’s car nervousness begins to set it. She didn’t know anything about this girl she will be sharing a back seat with on this long road trip. She opens the door and takes a seat, her eyes still adjusting from the shift of light. Teru leans back to welcome Mana, “Oi! Ayesha, meet one of my best friends Mana. She’s the big sis to a close friend of mine but I spend more time with her lately.” Teru motions to Mana “and this is Ayesha, she’s a gym buddy of Hideki. We told her about this place, and she was so excited about it we wanted to bring her along” Mana and Ayesha spent a moment looking each other over. The first thing Mana noticed is the huge fatty of a girl she was expecting was instead the absolute picture of fitness. Her toned abs, her firm yet shapely legs, and her over all perfect figures left Mana feeling self-conscious for the first time in years. Here she was looking at a super model while she herself was the fattest she had ever been in her life. Thoughts of inadequacy swept over her as she thought about what this girl must be thinking. As she felt the girls eyes continue to look her over she subconsciously pulled at her shirt assuring she was fully covered up, That nothing was showing to offend her gaze. “H…hey there Ayesha… It’s nice to meet you. I’ve heard lots of good things about you from Teru.” She managed to squeak out, trying to keep the conversation from being about herself. Ayesha smiled back at her “I’m glad to finally meet you as well. I hope I’m not intruding on your trip too much! It just sounded like so much fun!” She said with eyes full of excitement. “Oh no, I’m happy to have you” Mana says while faking a yawn. “ Well, I’m going to catch up on sleep on the way there, best to be well rested!” Mana closes her eyes and turns towards the window, “This is going to be a nightmare….”

It wasn’t long before they reach their destination, a glamours beach with shimmering crystal water. The group wastes no time and in minuets are checked in and ready to go… well everyone except Mana. “I can’t believe this is all I have to wear to the beach… this is so embarrassing” Mana looks herself over in the mirror. It was obvious to her that she was significantly fatter than her collage days. While not a modest swimsuit to begin with it now struggled to contain all of her ampule body. “Just suck it up Mana, you don’t have a choice now do you! Just go out there and act confident and maybe she won’t point out what a pig you are” She assured herself this was her only option and made her way to her spot on the beach near the group.

  “OMG… why does she keep looking at me, is she judging me? Why does she have to be so…Fit! Look at her! She’s like a goddess! A toned beautiful goddess… No Mana keep it together! She probably thinks you’re a disgusting pig and here you are drooling over her!” Is it all in my head? Every time I look at her, she looks away, like she doesn’t want me to catch her disgusted stares at me. Why does she always seem to follow me around? Does she enjoy silently mocking me? It looks like she’s been trying to talk to me all day! What? Not so easy to put me down when it’s too my face? That’s it! I’ve had it with her smug attitude! I’m saying something! “Hey Ayesha! If you have something to say to me, just go ahead and say it!” Ayesha’s eyes widen in surprise at being singled out. She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before nervously uttering. “Umm…. I…. I just wanted to know… if maybe you might like a drink? I got one for each of us!” Mana stared at her in disbelieve, was she wrong about this girl? “Is that really it!” Mana said returning to her normal bratty tone. “Of course, I want one! But... only if we can drink together and get to know each other a little… if that’s ok?




Part two when? You can't leave us hanging like that! 😁


Oh, we would love to make more, we were not sure if many would be as interested where it's more of a Mana story! XD