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I'm just looking to update everyone as to where we are with my comic content! 

So, Weight of Experience is about half way done and I have lots of side stories I would like to do after the main story is complete that will be short almost sequence like mini comics.

Secret of Junkfood is also about half done as well. I really love these guys and will probably do the same with mini short comic scenarios after the main story.

Now I guess I can talk about what's to come. I really am looking for some feedback going forward. I do love having a long running story with indepth characters so I will always have a slow burn style comic where weight gain progress can be slow and gradual but the outcome I still there! What do you all think? 

A more plentiful cast of characters? 

More food related scenes such as stuffing or indulge Moments?

More romance moments?

Feeding sessions between characters?

I'm up for all of the above I just am still a bit of a novice and am looking for some input.



Feeding sessions would be lovely! But I also love the promiscuous angles of fatties interspersed with casual dialogue!


There are two things I would keep in mind. 1) Dont alter what YOU want based off of others. There are several different size preferences, from immobility to just chubby, and you have to determine what sizes appeal most to your audience. Take Saxxon for example, every comic now ends with multiple ton blobs because he has learned his demographic. Experiment with several different sized characters in the mini shorts, whichever are most popular should be the size limit in your main series as that will show you, the most liked is the best size. 2) consider streaming your drawing process, Picarto is usually one i see be used, and you can get live feedback from those tuning in. If you play your cards right, it wont just be the characters who are big, but your popularity too. Looking forward to the future :)


I think it’s great the way it’s going right now, i really loved stuff like when Haruku got too chubby for his old clothes and had to buy new ones #>~<# That was the best moment so far for me personally ^-^’


Just keep doing the comics the way you have been, they're nearly perfect IMO! They've really been an inspiration to me to get back into comic making myself. I think you have a really good ability to keep readers invested in the characters even when the story isn't focused entirely on the weight gain itself, and I know that's a difficult thing to do in this community lol

Jayix Chezro

More feeding and stuffing scenarios, and of coarse a little romance here and there 🥰


I definitely love the romance option and feeding scenes. Have you ever done force feeding yet? Cuz that could be interesting. Or maybe they eat something special/magic that causes them to gain a ton of weight at once. Though the real dream is getting to see all your characters together going on tour of Willy Wonka's factory with many fattening, humiliating fates. I mean Haruki and Yuki with Chisumi and the other boys and girls from their comic all together. I mean one of them obviously would fall in the chocolate river and be too fat to fit but the dream is seeing haruki fatten up into a big blueberry.


There's plenty of room for you to try new things, but keep writing things that make you happy. Comic length can be anything from a single image to a few pages, up to what you have in mind. You can go even longer if you want, keeping a story going for hundreds of pages, or possibly divided into smaller sections/ chapters. The order in which you approach your projects is also open to change. If there's something that has you really motivated to start, then go for it! The stories you have on the backburner will get told eventually, it's only the order that is changing. And it isn't like we'd get tired of the characters after their main story arc is over. You can also try an alternate universe, if you're ever in the mood to mix things up. Just stick to things that you're passionate about. That's one of the few things you could do that would hurt the quality of your work. The passion you have for your art shows through, and it adds a lot. Feel free to try new things. If this is a career for you, then you have the whole rest of your life to experiment and try new things. It'll be a good investment of your time to try a little of everything. Keep up the good work, we all love what you do!