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Lux enters for battle! 

Lux will be a part of his own slow burn comic! I am currently building the story, script and cast of characters!

This story will not be available for quite sometime however, but I will continue to update new pictures of Lux and the rest of this adorable cast of characters!

"Prestigious, Powerful, Perfect. Lux could never get enough of hearing these words where ever he went. Loved and admired by all, the young model enjoyed his time in the limelight, unwilling to share even a sprinkle of his fame. Wanting for nothing Lux grew used to a hectic lifestyle of living on set and quickly rushing to the next big opportunity. 

That is until a last-minute script change met with a missed phone call resulted in his arrival on a set, he was no longer the star of. Seeing a younger less experienced model in the outfit he so rightful deserved to wear unleased years’ worth of pent-up frustration resulting in an exposing of rage filled words. Now on a forced “Vacation” Lux finds himself unsure of how to fill his now less hectic days."




Handsome. Is this character from the same upcoming story as Ari the orc, or a different one?


Pleasure to meet this adorable chubby cat boi!

Jayix Chezro

So because I’m a Patreon They’ve already gained 5lbs O////O


Ari will be from another story which will be something that will come after my Junk food comic. :) Where Lux's story will come after Weight of Experience. I had a bit of a creative block with Ari and I need a bit more time for that one, Lux's story is in the script process and is mostly all planned out. :) I'm excited to share more about the world and the rest of the characters!