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  • Can you feel my heart - Time-Lapse.mp4



Can you feel my heart? I've been listening to this song for hours as inspiration hits me to draw this scene. [The last panel of Bakugo was the reference I used for the expression!]

Story: This is where Hatori starts to remember what happened in the fire incident. She directly felt asleep with her hero cosume still on after she came back from work studies. That night as she once again wakes up from a nightmare, she needed to get out that room. So she opens the windows and flies away. She goes back on the burned place, hoping that it brings back some of her memories. But her memories slowly turning back doesn't give her any relief but even worser nightmares.

Step by steps: Sketch, Linework, Base Colors, Shading and background with final effects/lights. The sketch is always the most important part, as it helps define the proportion, pose, expression depht and movement of the character. It is pure chaos as it should be, because the clean and exact work comes with the next step as I do the definitive lines with the linework step. After filling the spaces with one base color, one of my favorite parts starts as I do the shadows of the character. I tried to use the same light source as in the screenshot reference on Hatori. In the end I addad an additional mood to the drawing: Backgrounds and lights so that she blends in the night and background color. 



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