Hatoris Nightmare Part 2 / High res + Reel (Patreon)
Hatoirs Nightmare Part 2 - Reel.mp4
I'm so excited to show you the finished Artworks and Reel of the second part of Hatoris Nightmare! I found just the perfect audio for this sequel.
Quirk Drawback: Hatoris Qurik drawback causes her nightmares. When she sings, her positive energy flows in her feathers and charges them with healing energy. Therefore the amount of negative energy left in her body is greather than her left positive energy. Because of this negative energy, she gets Nightmares, which are even more intense when she overuses her Quirk.
Nightmares: In her nightmares she is send back on the day of the incicent. [The incident happens in Hatoris Flashback Comcis.] She dreams of the people in the building, screaming for help, reaching to her feathers which she sended all away that day. This is why she was left with no feathers.
Nejire: Her friend telling her "it was completely out of control" is not only referring to her nightmare but also to the incident. She started to sleep over Hatoris room as she found out about her Quirk drawback to comfort her and wake her up of her nightmares.