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Thanks again for supporting me these past few months of development! I know this update in particular took some twists and turns that expanded it beyond what I had originally planned, but I'm happy with how it turned out and learned a lot that can be applied to future games.

As usual, if you're on the $5 tier or higher, you can go to the pinned message to access downloadable files (PC and Android) for this update. If have any issues or requests in regards to that, please let me know! Similarly, if you encounter any bugs or issues with the game itself, also let me know! I'll do my best to fix it.

I'm mostly going to be taking it easy for the next few days. When I'm ready, I'll give everyone an update on what I plan to do next.




Fantastic update! Came out better than expected!


You've seriously outdone yourself with this update. You deserve the rest!


I think I know how to fix that, I just need a bit of time to apply it, maybe a day or two. I'll let everyone know once I've applied the fixed version.


For some reason the .apk version has serious frame lag compared to the audio (the 2.0 didn't seem to have this issue, animations matched audio perfect) and it hard crashes after about a minute of uptime


If you downloaded the apk more than a few hours ago, try downloading it again. I recently updated it with a slightly more reliable version. If that doesn't solve it, I'll have to look into it since I can't replicate those problems on my end.


The game is amazing, but it's super laggy for me for some reason, and I don't believe its my PC. It's smooth as butter but every 5-6 seconds I get 1-3 seconds of lag. A change in resolution doesn't fix this either, I ran it in compatbility mode as well as running in 640x480 but it didn't improve the lag issue.

Julius Huntsman

I found your content pretty recently and I've gotta say I'm impressed! The option to do any combination of futa/female/male is great. But I've gotta ask, have you ever considered updating the game you have here instead of making a new one(s)? You could add characters (Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande to name a few) and expand on the customisation. Just food for thought! Love the content, can't wait to see what's next.


There are a few reasons why I'd rather make a new game than continuously update this one. The first is technical; HTML5 is finnicky and there is a sort of maximum size threshold for the Javascript file before the game just fails to compile. The other is that Whitemane's Inquisition is my first attempt to make a game at all and as a result it has a lot of rookie mistakes in it that can't be easily fixed in an update. I have new ideas for how to make scenes and interactivity and it'd simply be easier to implement those ideas onto a brand new scene than to try to cram them into a scene that I made when I was far less experienced with this sort of content.

Julius Huntsman

That's all totally fair, thanks for the reply. With this being your first real try at something like this, I can't wait to see where you and your content end up!


Hi there, just found your game recently and really loved it! If you plan on updating it still, do you think you could add a full package futa Whitemane? Would really love to knock her up while she has a dong! Along with that, I'd love to see her ejaculate as well since she didn't cum when set as futa. ;D


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Because it's getting too big and is kinda messily put together under the hood, I don't plan on any more big updates to Whitemane's Inquisition, but I am going to be taking a lot of these suggestions for my next game. In my next game, I will for sure try to include cumming for the futa option. I hadn't considered full-package since it isn't quite my preference, but I might be able to include it if I can find a reasonable way to implement it alongside the other options.


Thank you for the reply, I look forward to your next adventure! ;D


Time cum to some boobies and butties. :)