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I wanted to get this preview out earlier than usual because I wanted to get all of your thoughts on where I should take this particular piece of content. At the moment I have the art for this pose mostly completed but I haven't finished any major animations for it because I'm not quite sure what I should do with it.

As I've previously mentioned I wanted to include a kneeling position for the bukkake scene. When I originally started planning the assets for it, I tried using a shallower viewing angle but eventually thought the pose would be more interesting if I steepened the angle so that you were almost looking directly down at Whitemane. I thought this was a fun angle for the pose, and it can totally work fine as part of the bukkake scene, but I was wondering if I could do more with it.

I do like the idea of using this pose as part of a standalone blowjob scene, but also liked the aiming-based bukkake feature that I had previously pitched. I'm currently leaning toward splitting it into those two parts: a straightforward fellatio loop with an interactive climax, but before I commit to animating it for those purposes I wanted to get everyone's feedback on the art, pose, and proposed scene. Perhaps I'm so interested  in your thoughts because I have a tendency to second-guess my own artistic intuition whenever I step out of my comfort zone for extreme poses or angles, such as the steep angle in this scene.

Any feedback you feel like providing is welcome, but I'm especially looking for your thoughts in regards to the pose/angle, and if you're interested in the BJ/bukkake hybrid scene that might go with it.




This would be a great start for a bj position


It looks good but I think the angle is alittle to steep.


This is an excellent bj scene waiting to happen imo


getting both a blowjob scene with her on her knee's as well as a bukake scene in the same pose would be amazing!


Looks great for a blowjob scene, bukake would look great too


Being able to put hands on her head with the blowjob would be fantastic