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UI & Interactivity Demonstration Video: https://uploadir.com/u/hjr5cg4t 

So I did say the bukkake scene would be a coding challenge, but I didn't expect how complicated some of it would be. Fortunately, most of functionality is in a good place so I can focus now on animating the fluids and Whitemane's other poses. I also want to code in some face and voice reactions for Whitemane.

There's still probably going to be a few things that are subject to change. An unexpected challenge of this scene was re-adjusting its UI to account for the interactivity. As you might've noticed in the demonstration, the climax buttons are visible until one of them is pressed, then they only appear when hovered over. This is to communicate the clickable area for people who are, for example, playing on a mobile device and thus can't necessarily hover over the options to see them. There's plenty of similar potential interactions that I'm trying to account for as well to ensure that this scene is as intuitive as it can be. On the other hand, I don't want to clutter the space with UI and so I'm trying to balance the demands of both readability and visibility. If you have any UI suggestions, I'd love to hear 'em!

So yeah, next update should feature Whitemane in her fully sticky glory! I know it's taking some time to get to that point, but there were a lot of UI and interactivity logistics to get through.



Diablo Disciple

I appreciate your efforts! :) looking good


Coming along very well! No pun intended. Is there another pose that Whitmane will have for the bukkake?


Looking great! Can’t wait to see the finished product


fantastic as always! Really excited to see the finished product!


Yes! There's this one where she's lying on her stomach, another with her lying on her back, and a third with her on her knees with her mouth open.