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HD Spanking Preview: https://uploadir.com/u/w40tkvy1 

HD Spanking Preview (Idle): https://uploadir.com/u/k8cpid8m 

One of the big things I want to learn and improve for Whitemane's Inquisition and for future games is incorporating direct interactivity into the scenes. My first attempt at this, spanking, is nearly complete and I admit it's one of the more complicated gameplay endeavors that I've had to tackle so far. It currently applies only to the doggystyle scene, and is as simple as clicking the cheek you want to spank. Like the x-ray, it will work at any point in all doggystyle scenes, including the climax.

In addition to the spanking animation, Whitemane's butt will become more red with each spank, and then gradually fade back to normal when you stop spanking. At the moment, the "redness" status of each cheek is tied to its respective scene (fast, hotdogging, climax, etc.)—I can't say for sure why it works this way. I typically incorporate features that save their status across scenes, but for some reason adding the redness in a similar way is saved to each scene. For the sake of consistency, I'll try to figure out how to resolve this, but I'm not too bothered if I can't.

I'm quite happy with how this feature turned out, since I feel more interactivity is the next big step for my animations. I'm going to try adding more stuff like this by experimenting with breast groping for a different scene, but no promises until I have it fully implemented. In the meantime, feel free to provide feedback on how spanking looks so far; I'm not done with the hand art for non-human options, and I'm wondering if the current unobtrusive hand animation is the right way to go. Also, let me know what other kinds of direct interactions you'd like to see—it's something I want to keep in mind for future games.




It looks great so far!


Have you considered adding a blowjob scene?

Even Number

Is the dude wearing gloves? Why are his hands black?