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Hey everyone, thanks for sticking with me for another month! Here's another clip from the upcoming paizuri scene. This one was trickier than I thought it would be, and will still likely see some tweaking, but I felt like adding some more variety than just different speeds of the same thing.

My big goal for December is to get Whitemane's Inquisition 2.0 released. The paizuri scene is about 70%-75% done, with the remainder mostly being the climax. Animating the climax is of course going to be bit of a grind but I at least don't anticipate any major struggles with it.

Once the climax is done, I'll add customization options. I'll mainly be incorporating requests from Solar Storm patrons, but I might also add a few additional options just for the heck of it.

After the customization is the new scene-selection screen. I still want it to take the form of a mini-dialogue with Whitemane on a throne, offering "rewards" for her champion. It'll be pretty art-intensive to make but I think it'll be worth it.

Once all of that is done, and barring no major complications, the update should be ready for release. In an ideal scenario, I can release the update with enough time before Christmas to also make a little holiday loop or artwork for the month. I can't guarantee that I can pull that off until I get closer to that point, though.



The Big Kachowski

This is shaping up real nice, especially fond of the saliva on the tip connecting to her mouth


i may be in the minority here but if this is worked into the climax somehow i will die whatever the case, looks great as always. thank you