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Hello friends!
Sorry for the lack of contact, I've been kinda focused on other projects, recently I've taken an interest in doing tutorials, so I'm spending a portion of my time doing those currently,  for this reason, the pause will be extended a bit more, but I will make sure to keep you all updated.

And of course, you wont be charged anything until I get back to posting new art.

Thank you all for the support and patience friend! it wont take long for my inspirations to bring be back to our femboys ^^

Cheers! 💜


dildo luv

Life carries on. Thanks for the update.


That's really nice, will the tutorials be on Patreon or were you thinking of posting them everywhere?

Nica Fee

I love supporting you no matter what, love seeing your tutorials! Love you!


Actually my tutorials are already on my Gumroad store! just google "sabu store Gumroad" and it will be the first result, sorry for not posting the link here, but Patreon has some weird rules regarding content, and I don't want to risk link content for outside Patreon, just in case you kown 😅