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Hello friends!

 Here's the new art set, the idea for this set was to create a new historic femboy, my goal was to create a series inspired by the classic portraits of John Singer Sargent, and while I think I did manage to achieve something in that general style, I feel like the "historic" part didn't get as much attention as it could. 

 I've always been attracted by those Edwardian era dresses, and I find them perfect to show the more feminine side of the male chest, and that end up being my focus for these paintings, unfortunately, that left little attention for the actual dress itself, compromising the whole "historic" vibe that I wanted for the picture.

 Still, I hope the focus on anatomy and intimacy make up for the lack of a clear historical setting.

thanks for the support friends, hope you will enjoy the new set ^^

Uncensored Low-res Version.

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Nicely done! Seeing your artwork and how you improve just makes me want to practice painting all day! I really like how you seem to carve the characters forms and shapes with brush strokes. That's amazing to me!! I'm curious though, what happened to your older artworks? Are you archiving them into a different folder than the FULL one?


thanks a lot for the kind words my friend, really glad you enjoy my painting style ^^ As for my older works, I usually keep the last year or so of my works in the gdrive folders, after some time they are achieved on my backlog. but all my previous works are always available for viewing on my twitter or other galleries: https://twitter.com/sabs_art and all the full-res images, vids, etc are also available on my Gumroad store: https://sabu.gumroad.com/?tags=femboys