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Hello friends!

 I'm super late with this months pictures! A project I was working on end up taking a lot more time than I expected, and I'm only now starting on the pics for this month! I didn't even put up the poll yet! I'm really sorry for this mess, but I promise I will make up for it! you can expect a bunch of new pics coming on the next two weeks, and the poll will go up today!

Once again, sorry for this confusion and thanks a lot for your patience and support my friends! ^^



If it's the tavern story, no wonder why it's so long. Take the time to finish this. :)


No need to worry! I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we don't want you to stress or be worn out, though we appreciate the update^^


Sabu has a second site where he draws some alternative art like his "old" Sex-arcade and other things. The last one was about a complex tavern's story