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Hey there!
Here's the art-pack for August, it contain these 5 paintings:

* Link's adventures - The Truce (Zelda BotW)
* 9S (Nier)
* Upgrades (OC)
* Beach day 01 (OC)
Beach day 02 (OC)  

 Working on this months pics was really fun, in particular the Link pic, I think I might do a small series showing Link having some fun with a few other creatures from Hyrule ^^

 9S pic was also nice, really happy with how the colors came up on that one.

 And finally, the 3 last pics are all from an OC I've created a few years ago but never got time to give him enough attention, his name is B01 and he is a femboy android, the big lady is his "owner", she's a neural engineer who have worked on his project before it was canceled, she end up sneaking him out of the facility and keep him for herself, he's the last surviving prototype from his original project.
The lady doesn't have a name yet, and there's some body-type and design inconsistency between these pics, but that's because I've started them at different moments (the "Upgrades" one I've started about 8 months ago), but I plan on keep working on these characters and arrive at a final design for both ^^

Link to Low-Res uncensored images. 

 Also, these are just the low-res version of the paintings, the high-res version will be sent to all patrons at the end of the month after the pledges are successfully processed. ^^

Thanks a lot for the support and hope you like the artwork!
