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You know, sometimes we just can't get enough baby time, can we? I'm happy to announce that later this month – assuming nothing catastrophic happens to prevent me from it – I will be embarking on a week-long experience in which I will once again be forcing myself back into diapers and pull-ups 24/7! As in previous installments, during this time I will be switching my diet as much as possible to that of a toddler: full of "formula" (protein drinks), juice, pureed fruit, mashed vegetables, you name it. (I do have a few unavoidable public events during this week, but I'll do my best to eat, drink, and be attired in babyish fashion during them while also being sensible and discreet.) 

Now since you all are such lovely patrons, I think it's only fair to let you have a bit of fun!

During this period from the night of August 21 until the afternoon of August 28, I will not be allowed any sort of big-person toileting activities unless I earn them. Heck, I won't even be allowed to change myself unless I earn the privilege! How will I do that, you may ask? By WRITING! See the cost table below:

  • Diaper change: 200 words
  • Pull-up: 400 words
  • One toilet use (#1): 600 words
  • One toilet use (#2): 800 words

These writings will be flash fiction pieces that I'll post for everyone to read on Patreon, and they'll be based on a list of little writing prompts. The idea is that y'all will benefit from my predicament, because let's face it: every time I want a change, I'm going to have to show y'all how badly I want it!

And of course, to keep things interesting, a modifier will be added for every new or renewed patron who joins our community during the period from August 1 to August 27. These will be chosen using the same randomizer that we used back in May – so that's something to look forward to!

Hope y'all are ready – because I'm not sure I am!


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