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Hi folks, hope you're having a great day!

Near the end of this month (May), I'm going to have a short opportunity to be more padded and regressed than usual. While plans haven't worked out quite like I hoped, it looks like I'm going to have 3 days and 4 nights in which I can dabble in at least some form of AB/DL play. Unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to commit to being toilet-free for the entire time – on the middle day I'll likely need to be around others in a professional capacity. However, I can definitely commit to at the very least saying no to underwear for the entire period. (And of course, every night I can be as babyish and humiliated as I want, LOL.) 

Now, then, here's where y'all come in!

With input from some of you, I've cooked up a set of 16 "modifiers" – requirements that will apply to me for a 24-hour period. What I'd like y'all to do over the next week is vote on which modifiers below you most want to force me into. I'll then use those votes to make up a weighted randomizer, and then the randomizer will decide what I have to do each day/night. Full details are still up in the air, but the more votes a modifier gets, the more likely it will be that I'll have to do it! ;-)

Sound good? Let's do this!


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