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Little's Log, Thursday, 1:30 pm:

I've been back in diapers for ten minutes, and I'm already wet.

Oh, I could have guessed I would be. It's been hours since I last got to use the potty like a big boy, after all. But once the tapes were fastened and the onesie buttoned up, it was like my bladder decided it was no longer worth holding on any longer. And so, as I lay on my back and nursed my first milk ba-ba of the day – really formula, but of course toddlers like me don't get to choose – I felt the first wet trickles leaking out of me… almost as naturally as slowly as if I couldn't even control it.

Well, no matter. That's what diapers are for, after all. And for the next two days, judging by the stacks of diapers that are now in my dresser drawer, I'm guessing I'll be making many, many more wet diapers before this is all over.

Did I mention that there's a plastic sheet on my bed now? Oh, there's no mistaking it. I saw it going on: a big, softly crinkling sheet of plastic, held firmly in place between the mattress pad and the fitted sheet. And now, every time I sit my padded rump on the bed, I hear the soft crinkle underneath that says to the world, "Look! A bedwetting little baby sleeps here!"

Not baby – toddler! Baby comes tomorrow, when those people on the internet said that I have to get treated like a little baby who's barely a year old. For now, I get to be a toddler – and that means all kinds of yummy foods. Like this yogurt I just finished with the big spoon in my left hand. And yeah, maybe that milk formula ba-ba. I know babies drink that, too. But it's just so yummy…

Speaking of ba-ba's, look! I get to drink another now, and it's full of yummy apple juice! Yeah, I know it might make me need the potty more. But that's okay, right? It's so yummy, surely just this one bottle can't hurt, right?

Oh, I feel something. Oops, I guess I'm wetting again.

Uh, oh – this ba-ba is nearly empty already! Guess I like apple juice pretty much, huh? But that was the last of it, so this little toddler is going to have to waddle off to the store later to get some more. And maybe some bananas, and some more yummy yogurt…

Don't worry *burp* – I'll write you and let you know how it goes! :-)

Little's Log, Thursday, 4:00 pm:

Oh, poopie. I'm a pretty dribbly little toddler.

I was such a good boy, though! I went off to the store like a big kid, and I got all kinds of yummy toddler things: bananas, and yogurt, and juice, and nice sweet applesauce. And I came back, and put everything away, and then I had a banana as a reward. It was all so fun and yummy.

And then I was thirsty, so I drank a whole 'nother bottle of water.

But then a big boy meeting happened. And you know, I just can't really help it anymore: I'm sitting there, and it just happens. I start wetting, and wetting, and before I know it, there's a great big wet patch under my booty! I thought my diaper was supposed to take care of that, isn't it?

So now my onesie is off drying, and my big boy meeting is over, and now I'm just typing here in my soggy diaper, hoping I can keep from leaking any more. Though I'm still pretty thirsty…

Maybe that's because of the bit gag.

Yeah, I thought I should be a good toddler and pick a random punishment, just like the people on the internet want. A great big number six came up on the random number chooser, and so I didn't have a choice: in goes the bit gag into my mouth, nice and tight. There's even a place for a lock, too, if someone really wanted to be mean to me… Oh, and of course I need my bib now. Can't go without a bib when I'm dribbling down my front like a slobbery little baby…

Not a baby. A toddler!

Okay, a toddler with a squishy bum and a drooly bib, I guess.

But I'm still a good boy. Even when I'm all squishy and leaky and drooly, I'm still writing like a good boy should. I need to show that I'm learning to be a good toddler, and not to mind my squishy pants, and to eat and drink just like a little toddler should.

And once I'm done with this nasty, icky gag, I'm gonna go get me a snack. Because I'm a good toddler!

Now, I wonder how much longer my diaper will last before it needs a change…

Little's Log, Thursday, 6:00 pm:

Whew, that feels better!

Of course it's so much nicer now without that awful bit gag in my mouth. I didn't like that at all! Oh, sure: I could swallow a little bit, if I really tried. But it was so much easier to just let the slobber dribble down my chin and onto my bib, you know. Not like a baby, of course. Just… you know, like a toddler who was really, really hungry. Besides, at least I got one of my nasty punishments out of the way!

And I discovered something else, too! You know how I was getting so drippy and soggy in my ABU Simple diaper? Well, it turns out that it was broken. Yep! I found a couple holes right down the middle, and whenever I'd sit down or walk (okay, waddle) around, it would dribble out and make everything all wet. Well, that wasn't very nice! I had an idea of putting a second one over it, but then, like the great big smart toddler I am, I thought that it wouldn't be very responsible. I need to save my diapers for later, you know.

And so, once I was really, really squishy, I went and changed into a fresh diaper – all on my own! This one has pretty alpacas all over it, so maybe it won't leak so much. And it feels pretty cool to have a nice dry bum again, too. Well, I guess it did. Because now I guess it's not so dry anymore…

I'm getting hungry again! I'm gonna go crinkle into the kitchen and see what yummy toddler stuff I can find, okay? Don't go anywhere!


Wow, look at me being a big boy! I found two kinds of yummy food that I'm gonna make! There's potatoes – they're gonna boil and get all soft, and then I'm smash 'em up and make 'em all squishy. And I'm gonna do that with a bunch of beans I found, too: cook them up and then smush them up. Doesn't that sound like fun? I bet beans will be really yummy and good in my tummy, right?

I felt my diaper get warm a few more times while I did that. That's okay, though. I'm used to it by now. And with a nice fresh diaper on, I don't have to worry about it leaking everywhere like that stupid first one did! It's a good thing I didn't wear that dumb first diaper to bed, now, isn't it?

Hmm, I wonder if this new one will be leaking by my bathtime?

Anyway, now I just gotta wait for the food to cook. And I guess until then, I'll be a good boy and do some more writing. I found my big new paci with the heart on it now, which I really like. And I also found some pictures of a bunch of pretty ladies who wear diapers, too, just like me! So I'm gonna go write a story about them!

Little's Log, Thursday, 8:00 pm:

Wow, that was… fun.

It's one thing to be padded. And it's quite another to be padded, wearing a bib, clumsily wielding an oversized spoon and trying to get those puréed potatoes onto it so you can shovel it into your mouth. I may be a toddler for now, but I'm also an adult, journaling about just how lovely and small and in littlespace things like that can make you feel.

It was a great supper, a big supper. Lots of mashed potatoes and mashed-up black beans for a main course, followed by another banana, and a raspberry yogurt, and finally another bottle of "milk." Oh, did I mention just how awesome Ensure Plus formula is? It tastes like a liquid dessert, and for any little who wants to get lots of calories in sweet, liquid form, this is definitely the way to go.

But where was I?

Oh, yes. I wrote my story while things were cooking, of course. And I served up my yummy supper, and I ate it. And now I need to be cleaning up those pesky dishes before bath time, just so things will be all clean for breakfast tomorrow! Maybe while I wash those dishes I'll be thinking about just what I'm going to need to wear to bed. After all, I certainly don't want to have leaks, do I?

Maybe a nighttime diaper… and some cloth ones over it, just in case. And a T-shirt or onesie, because pajama pants are definitely not going to fit over that kind of diaper bum.

Good news about my cute alpacas, though – no leaks at all so far! I'm soggy, of course, but not nearly soggy enough for a change. Maybe I should be a silly toddler and dump some water down inside before my bath, just to make it feel all squishy and heavy and saggy between my legs. Yeah, that sounds like fun!

My tummy's full. But of course I shouldn't go off to bed without another ba-ba or two. Everyone knows that little toddlers get dried out super quick, right? So even if I'm full, I guess I'm just gonna have to drink down more. It's not like I need to get up in the night and find a potty. That would just be silly when I've got such a nice, softy, comfy diaper!

All that's for later, though. Right now I need to go give those dishes a bath – and then I can go take a bath myself. Baths are so much fun, all splishy-splashy…

But first, where's some water to pour down my diaper?

Little's Log, Thursday, 9:45 pm:

Last log of the day – which is a good thing for this tired little toddler! In fact, some big people would probably say I'm up way past my proper bedtime. But then again, I'm the boss toddler in this house tonight, so I'm the one who gets to call the shots. Right? Right.

Though I am getting tired. Like I said.

The bath probably didn't help, to be honest. It's amazing how warm water can just make you relax and feel all nice and sleepy. Maybe that's why I like my diapers so much? They get all nice and warm and wet, too, after all, and that's super fun and relaxing as well…

Hey, I wonder if my diaper will be wet when I wake up tomorrow?

I had a lot of fun with those alpacas, you know. Poured in so much water it leaked out and made a big mess on the floor. But I didn't care; I was a bulgy, saggy toddler whose diaper was starting to tear off, it was so heavy! Of course it had to come off soon afterward for the bath. But until then, it was pretty awesome.

So tonight, this little toddler is going to bed with a Trest Elite and a stuffer – at least. I might add a cloth layer and plastic pants too, just in case it leaks in weird places like this brand has done before. But at least right now it's super crinkly and comfortable – so comfortable, in fact, that I wonder why on earth one would want to wear anything else. Honestly, why don't people just go to bed like this all the time: padded, in a nice soft cotton onesie, and with a lovely big binky in their mouths?


I wonder if I'll dream that I'm padded up. Maybe I'll dream about waddling around in a nursery, playing with toys and drinking my ba-ba and getting into stuff I'm not supposed to and generally wreaking havoc and mayhem as all good toddlers do. Or maybe I'll dream that I'm on the toilet, needing to go so badly, and then I'll just let go… in my sleep…

Yeah, probably not. But one can always hope, right?

Tomorrow when I wake up I'll have big person things to do, of course. But that's okay. Underneath all those big person clothes, I'll be secretly padded up: a stealthy diaper ninja, looking for all the word like a grown-up when he's actually just a dumb little toddler on the inside. Actually, make that "dumb little baby"! Because remember, halfway through tomorrow is when I get demoted once more: to baby status this time, and all my food gets even more babyish and I lose the right to even use a spoon.

But that's for tomorrow. Right now… well, good night, world! This little baby is going sleepy-sleep now…

Little's Log, Friday, 8:00 am:

Good morning, sleepyheads – time to rise and shine! And to get breakfast, too!

It was a strange night. Oh, I was soggy well before even falling asleep with my bear and my favorite paci in my mouth. But I did end up waking a few times and pottying more in my nighttime diaper, and sure enough, I got a leak around 3 in the morning. Pinned on a nice thick cloth diaper over it, but that doesn't do too much without plastic pants, does it? Well, never mind. The bed is pretty dry, and my bum was very squishy when I woke, and all is exactly as one would expect for a silly, bedwetting little toddler.

Oh, and it's actually pretty fun to sleep on such a crinkly bed, too. Sure can't forget that you're in a bed made for someone who simply can't stay dry through the night!

Now, the sad thing is that I have big person things to do today. So even as I sit here with my bib on, eating my yogurt and banana and drinking my milk ba-ba, I know I've gotta wear big boy clothes and attend big boy meetings. Well, never mind. There's a nice, pretty pink MegaMax underneath that should keep me dry and clean the whole time. And that way I can just focus on being good and doing my work and not having to run to the potty all the time…

Hmm, maybe I should make some coffee this morning to help me wake up. That could be tasty in my ba-ba.

And I guess I should take a second punishment this morning too, huh? I just checked the random selector, and… uh-oh. Looks like I have to listen to hypnosis for an hour: hypnosis to make me be a very good little boy and like my diapers. Well, I guess I can do that while I work this morning. Surely just one little hour can't hurt too much, right?

Well, I gotta go now and finish this ba-ba so I can start on my work. Because it's sad but true – even crinkly, bulgy-bottomed little toddlers have to work sometimes!

Little's Log, Friday, 9:55 am:

Me… me is dirty.

It just kind of happened, you see. I was being such a good boy, working away and listening to the nice lady teaching me about going poopy in my diaper at night. And well, maybe it was the yummy coffee I drank. Maybe it was just 'cause I hadn't made a stinky for a day. Or maybe it was all because of that nice lady. But whatever it was, I just really had to go… and it just kind of came out!

I'm a stinky little toddler now, I guess. But just like lots of real toddlers, I think it feels kind of nice, all mushy and warm between my legs. No wonder lots of kids don't like to be potty-trained. Who would want to, when you can just play and run around and let all the nice, warm, smushy messes out into your pants? So much nicer than the potty!

But I guess I'll have to be a big kid and clean up here soon. Don't want to be too dirty, after all.

So yeah – I was good and I listened for an entire hour to that lady telling me how nice and good it is to make stinkies in my pants. So that's another punishment all done – yay! It was pretty fun, too. Maybe I should listen to it more often, huh? It's so nice and relaxing, and there's pretty music playing, and the nice lady is so kind-sounding and tells me exactly what I should do to let go and be a sweet, relaxed, messy little baby for her…

Speaking of baby… I guess I only get to be a toddler for a few more hours, huh? And then bye-bye goes the spoon, and all I'm gonna get to eat is lots of ba-bas and mushy stuff that I can eat with my hands. It's kind of embarrassing. But I guess that's only fair for a smelly little boy who makes big messes in his pants, huh?

Yeah, I guess it won't be too bad. That formula milk is really yummy, after all. And eating with your hands is super fun, too! Just like playing with play-doh – only you get to eat it!

Oh, well. Better go clean up now. I don't want to get more smelly than I already am… or worse yet, have a stinky little leak in my pants. And then I have to go do more big-boy work… But that's okay! I'll have a fresh, powdery diaper on the whole time, and I'll be super comfy and ready to go!

Little's Log, Friday, 11:55 am:

Uh-oh, this Little's gotta get busy! Got a big person meeting in five minutes, and only a few minutes to stuff down some yummy lunch!

Good thing I have my formula – and that I'm still technically a toddler and can gulp it down from the bottle without a nipple. Otherwise that would take way too long… and of course I couldn't be doing that in the meeting! People would see me being so babyish, and that would be just too humiliating!

Mmm, and got some potatoes again too. Good thing I still get to use this spoon in one hand. I bet it would be a whole lot messier if I had to use my fingers like a dumb little baby. Though I guess that's what I'm gonna have to do for supper tonight, huh?

Oh, my pants are all nice and clean now, by the way. Not exactly dry anymore, of course. Maybe it shows what a toddler I really am, but it wasn't more than a minute before I got my fresh Abu Simple Ultra on that I felt my bladder let loose and it getting all warm again down there. Oh, well. That's what diapers are for – and toddlers aren't supposed to care, let alone try to stop it.

No more time – I gotta go be big now! At least, up top. Down below, things are probably just gonna get squishier and squishier… :-)

Little's Log, Friday, 2:00 pm:

This is kinda weird.

I'm technically supposed to be in baby mode now. But of course, I still have big-person stuff to do until at least 4. So here I am: working away, my pampers getting squishier as the minutes and hours tick by, and wishing I could be curled up with my binkie and a stuffie and a nice full bottle of milk. Not to mention a nap. Yeah, that sounds good right now.

But no, I need to be big. And I need to write and let you all know what this baby is up to.

This baby, in the last few minutes when he was still toddler, gulped down a nice big glass of apple juice. From now on, it's gotta be in a ba-ba – and I know that makes things take so much longer. My poor jaw muscles are going to get a workout, aren't they? I'm not used to sucking on things quite so much anymore – though I guess you can get good at anything with enough practice.

Hmm. I wonder if a Little like me could be trained into only eating from ba-ba's… forever and ever? Un-weaned into only formula and juice and whatever their caregiver decides to pump into their mouth?

Ooh, that sounds like a fun story. I should write a story like that sometime. Yeah – and the Little would try to fight it, but the milk would just be so good and make them feel all funny and happy, and they'd end up drinking it anyway, and getting more and more addicted… And in the end they wouldn't even remember that they ever ate anything else. They'd just think that they always drank from a bottle all their lives, and that there was no other way to eat or drink anything.

Hmm, where was I? Oh, yeah. Baby mode!

It's gonna be fun having supper and eating with my fingers. Babies don't know about spoons, except to open up wide when someone pressed one against their messy, sticky lips. Babies – like the one I have to be now – play with their food, and squish it, and grab it in their chubby fingers, and grind and smear it into their cute, pudgy face. It's because they don't really need to eat food that much, I think. They get all the stuff they need from their ba-bas, or from their nice Mommy's warm breasts…

Well, it's ba-bas for this little baby today. Lots of juice and milk and water to make sure I make plenty of soggy diapers… just like real babies do.

But I should quit thinking about being a baby and be big – just for a little bit longer! And afterward I can be baby all I want later on…

Little's Log, Friday, 4:00 pm:

Oof, almost done! Almost done with all this stupid big-person stuff! And then I can change this soggy bum and get me another ba-ba and generally just be baby.

And write, of course. Because I want to make up stories, and there's no better time or place to write stories than when you're being smol and cute and happy in your crinkly, bulgy diaper.

Though maybe I should go outside, too. It's a nice day. Babies need exercise. And no, of course I don't have someone to strap me tight into a stroller and push me, wide-eyed and pacified, through the streets to the neighborhood park. There's no one who will take me my the hand and scoop me up and lower my round little diapered butt into the baby swing, where I'd dangle helplessly and get swung back and forth, back and forth, back and forth while I can't do anything to stop it. There's not even a swing big enough for that, is there?

Well, that sucks. They really need to make baby playgrounds big enough for big babies like me.

But still, I should go outside. I'll be all fresh and clean in a new diaper, and no one will even be able to tell what I'll have hidden under my clothes. I'll be a good baby and get my fresh air and exercise. And then when I get back, I can have a nice big ba-ba full of juice, and settle down and write some really fun stories.

Speaking of new diapers… why on earth must these always be so leaky?

Maybe it's just because I'm baby, and I dribble a lot. Maybe I'm just really bad at taping myself up. Maybe it's because I've been having to sit still on my bum like a big boy, instead of crawling and lying down and toddling like any good diaper baby should be. But I've had to go and fetch plastic pants to put over this pesky, leaky diaper – and even they aren't doing such a good job at keeping things dry…

Oh, well. We'll try again with a fresh one in a few minutes!

Little's Log, Friday, 5:50 pm:

Why haven't I ever tried Attends before? This sample I'm trying right now is super nice!

It's so fun and appropriate, too. Underneath it, I've got a Pampers 7 as a booster, all nice and cloth-like and powdery-smelling. And then the Attends… well, it's like an oversized version of the Pampers! Of course without the Sesame Street characters on it. But the cloth outside makes it feel like real baby diapers do these days, and that's awesome. Sure, it might not be too good at keeping smells inside, but since I shouldn't be too stinky right now, that should be fine.

I was a good baby and went outside, too! I even played, just like good babies should: catching those new pokémon and just having a fun time. (And yeah, leaking and dribbling into my fresh diapers the whole time. I'm a baby. What did you expect?)

And then when I was all done I came inside and decided I should be an even better baby and take the last punishment like those people on the internet said I should. It was another gag: my ball gag this time! I guess it was only right, though; babies don't need to talk. They just drool and stuff, which is just what I did while I laid on the floor and wrote a fun little story. And now I just took it out, and my mouth is all happy again, and now I don't have any more punishments to worry about!

I'm getting really hungry, though.

Well, you know what that means! Warming up those yummy potatoes, and getting another formula ba-ba, and maybe getting some beans, too. Gotta make sure my tummy is full before bath time and bed. Gotta stay nice and hydrated and full, just like all good babies should be…

I'm gonna go make my supper now. Because yeah, I may be baby – but I also hafta make baby's food too. It's complicated.

Little's Log, Friday, 7:50 pm:

Look at all those words I've written so far! There must be at least… a hundred of them!

I had supper, and it was yummy. It was all gooey and warm in my fingers, and it tasted really good in my mouth. There was some super yummy berry stuff too, and it was cold and sweet. And I ate it all up, too! And then there was a yummy bottle full of formula, and only when it was all empty was my supper done.

I kinda wish I could have had some gooey cake or pudding to smear my face into. That's what babies do best, after all, and I'm baby right now. In Pampers and everything! And I haven't leaked yet, and I'm lying here on the floor with my binky and my little animal shirt and my diaper booty on display for everyone to see. I am baby, and I like it that way.

I guess I'll have to get a bath sometime soon. I wonder if there will be toys in it? Did you have toy boats or duckies in your bath when you were baby? They would be super fun!

But right now, I'm thirsty. And what the point of nice soft pampers if I don't make them all wet and warm and squishy? So I'm gonna crawl off now and find a ba-ba…

I'll be back before nite-nite time, don't worry!

Little's Log, Friday, 10:00 pm:

Sleepytime is here already? I guess it must be. Let's see… I had my supper, and my bath, and another ba-ba full of juice. I got my squishy, soggy pampers all changed – you know, the ones that were hanging between my legs, all soggy and goopy with that exploded squishy gel stuff. They may have felt more like baby diapers, but they sure didn't stay one me very well once they got squishy! Anyway, now I got a nice fresh pink dipie, and my paci, and my shirt, and I'm just about ready to snuggle into bed again.

Big-person me knows this is the last night, of course: the last night to waddle off to bed with my teddie and paci and padded booty, and to snuggle down in the crinkly bed just like a good baby should. Oh, that will be nice! And my diaper's still mostly dry for a change, so maybe I won't wake up with a leaky bum tonight!

I don't know if I'll have dreams tonight about being baby, though. Actually, now that I think of it… do you think real babies dream about being babies? I suppose they must – because what else could they dream about being? Lucky them – even being babies in their dreams, just like in real life…

Well, whether I dream or not, tomorrow morning will come. Tomorrow I will be baby a tiny bit longer: until after breakfast, when all this is over and I become a big boy again and I won't be writing all this stuff. But you know, that's okay. If I were baby all the time, maybe it wouldn't be so special, right?

It's good to be baby sometimes, and it's good to be big boy sometimes. That's all.

Sleep tight, everyone everywhere – babies and toddlers and big people and everyone!

Little's Log, Saturday, 8:00 am:

You know, part of me thinks I could really get used to this.

Oh, I know it's not all fun and games, being baby 24/7. I know that big person stuff is important, and that no one really likes dealing with messy diapers, and that there's some really awesome food that wouldn't be fit for a toddler, let alone a baby. But there's something nice about waking up with your wet diaper bulging between your legs, scarcely aware that anything is out of the ordinary. Being in diapers 24/7 for nearly two days shows me that you can get used to anything pretty darn quickly – and honestly, underwear's going to feel kind of strange for a bit.

I just hope I don't forget and end up wetting my pants. Talk about embarrassing!

Well, I didn't end up dreaming about being baby. And I didn't sleep all the way through the night. But I do remember a fun dream about wearing that bit gag of mine. And I tell you what, this baby – very soon to be big boy – is feeling particularly subby. No specifics at this time, of course. But it's hard not to think about how nice a snug leather collar would feel… and how nice it would be to have someone teasing me in person for being so needy and soggy…

Ahem. Anyway! I'm being a good baby, and I'm drinking my breakfast ba-ba. And after that, I get to dig in to a cup of yogurt with my bare hands. That should be quite an experience, don't you think? Oh, and did I mention that I'm still in my wet, nighttime, boosted pink Megamax? It's my last one, and I'm not leaking yet, so why not use it a bit longer? Saturday mornings I'm sure many real babies and toddlers are sitting in their soggy diapers a good bit longer than usual, too…

And then after breakfast, I might go run some errands. And along the way, I'm thinking I just might have to get myself a big boy treat that fits amazingly well into my baby diet: a nice big Starbucks latte. Hmm, I wonder if it would fit well in my baby bottle?

Whatever the case, after gulping down all that caffeine, something tells me this soggy MegaMax won't be clean for very long after that.

Baby has to go now and finish breakfast. But he just wants to give a great big wave to all of the internet peoples that have followed along so far on his two days in babyland! It's been hard for him to know whether he should write as a big boy, or as a toddler, or as a baby – and so the blog is kind of a squishy mashup of all three. And they're not written terribly well – mainly because he didn't have much time to think them through. And of course, there's also the problem of being in littlespace sometimes and not wanting to have to be so articulate… But he hopes it's fun anyway!

Oh, well. Thank you again, everyone! Now I'm gonna go finish this ba-ba and get that yummy yogurt…

Little's Log, Saturday, 10:00 am:

Me… me baby…

The voices are talking to me, the hypnotic voices that tell me what to do. Good babies like me need to listen. I'm so soggy, so squishy, so full of my special ba-ba that's making my tummy feel funny. It's gone now, and now I'm all stuffed full, lying here in my bulgy, soggy nighttime diaper, feeling my tummy grumble and churn…

But I don't want to make stinky in my pants, somehow.

I know I'm baby. I know I should. But I just- I shouldn't- it's going to be so messy and stinky…

That's why big me opened up this hypnotic file. The noise-isolating headphones are clamped on my head, and the volume is up, and the voices are echoing around me right now as I type. And my tummy is all full and achy, and it feels like I'm gonna need to make a messy in my pants very soon.

Maybe the voices will help. Maybe they'll make me mess without even trying. And then it won't be my fault, will it? If I don't try to mess, then it can't be my fault. It will just happen, and nobody can laugh at me and tell me that I'm a naughty boy who squats down and knowingly, deliberately fills his pants with stinky poo-poo.

Yes, I'm growing more and more open to your suggestions, nice lady. I can do anything you say to me. Yes, I will hear your commands. I want to accept them. I will repeat your suggestions and commands, and they will become permanently part of my subconscious mind. I long to obey and submit to your suggestions. I want to become a happy hypnotic submissive. I wet as a baby, helplessly and without control…

What was I saying? it's so hard to focus when I'm listening to this nice lady on the hypnosis.

It gives me great pleasure to wear and wet diaper all the time as a baby. I am a baby because I wear diapers and pee only in diapers. Every time I pee in my diapers I know I have submitted and been a good submissive baby. I will prove that I am a good submissive every time I pee I my diapers uncontrollably…

Teach me to submit more and more deeply. Yes, I want to be the perfect hypnotic submissive, obeying every suggestion and command you give me. It feels so pleasurable to submit and obey, becoming a completely submissive hypnotic baby…

I'm going to mess my pants soon, aren't I? I guess I will. I don't think I have a choice anymore…

Obedience is pleasure. Submission is pleasure. The more I submit and the more I obey, the greater my pleasure will be. My entire body is warm and relaxed and heavy. Your voice and suggestions control my body, my thoughts, and my mind. I am letting your voice take complete control of me. I feel myself becoming more and more submissive. I want to accept every suggestion and make the changes it commands me to make…

Little's Log, Saturday, 12:00 pm:

And so we come to it: the final post of this little experiment! Heh, little. See what I did there?

Yeah, I ended up stinky. Not that I could have done much to stop it. 24 hours without a stinky, plus the encouragement from a massive latte, plus the seductive hypnotic audio that told me exactly what to do all combined to make sure that in the end that pink MegaMax got pretty loaded down… and leaky. I don't really think the hypnosis caused it, of course. But it did make it all a lot more interesting…

Don't worry – baby's all clean now! This boosted PeekABU is hopefully going to see me through the rest of the day – because yeah, even though I'll stop being baby in a few minutes, that doesn't mean big boys can't enjoy being padded, too!

Like I've said before, this whole experience has been really fun. There were times when I didn't really want to do much anymore. There were times when I wondered why on earth I'd signed on to doing two whole days. But you know, now that I'm nearly 48 hours in, it feels pretty okay. I'm still not sure I'd be down for going baby 24/7/365 – certainly not since there are so many big-person things that would make being a pottypants pretty inconvenient. But it's pretty damn comfy and reassuring to know that wherever you go, you don't need to think about potties or how long you can go between bathroom breaks.

I've learned a few things, too. Ensure Plus is absolutely amazing stuff, and while I'm no dietitian or physician, it seems pretty clear that one could probably use it as a liquid meal replacement indefinitely. It's nutritionally balanced, has lots of calories, and in the end could probably work as just the sort of adult baby formula that would make a 24/7 baby lifestyle complete.

Another thing I've learned is that pacis are pretty addictive. This lovely new big one from Adultpacifier.com is the bomb – I find myself nursing it for so long that I pretty much forget I have it in my mouth! Which is both delightful and a wee bit terrifying… because stepping outside when you've forgotten that fact could be pretty problematic, couldn't it?

Anyway, I do hope y'all have enjoyed this experiment! I don't know that I'll end up doing another of these sorts of things ever again, but I suppose I might consider it. Thanks again to all who have bothered to read this whole saga. There will be many more fictional stories forthcoming, and I do hope you enjoy them!

The End


Paul Bennett

A wonderful little experiment. I'm glad you had fun doing it, and it was fun reading the journals of such a big baby.