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Hi all you lovely patrons! I'm happy to announce that the poll on "Regress the Writer" has now closed with 44 votes total. The results are as follows:

  • Big kid diet: 6 votes
  • 2-year-old diet: 22 votes
  • 10-12 month-old diet: 17 votes

Now then! For almost two whole days later this week (from 2 pm on Thursday, 10/21 to noon on Saturday, 10/23, Eastern Time), I'll be in baby mode: stuck in diapers round the clock and regularly journaling the entire experience for all of you. In light of the popularity of the final two poll options, I've decided that it would be most fair if I take on the 2-year-old diet for the first 24 hours, and then the baby diet for the last 22 hours. (Sorry, big kid voters – maybe some other time!)

As an additional bonus, I've decided to advertise on Tumblr that for every new patron that joins between 6:30 pm on Oct. 18 and 8 am on Oct. 23, I will award myself an additional punishment, chosen at random from the list below:

  • Drink an extra 8 oz. baby bottle of water or juice
  • Take a tablespoon of castor oil (limit: 3)
  • Pour 16 oz. of water into my diaper
  • Listen to hypnosis files for an hour
  • Wear ball gag for an hour
  • Wear bit gag for an hour
  • Drink 8 oz. baby bottle of coffee

I'm really interested to see just how much interest there is, if any. Whether a dozen new folks drop by or none at all, I do hope y'all enjoy this unique experiment. I'll be journaling through it all and doing my best to make it fun for everyone!


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