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Hey, all my lovely patrons! So, I'm thinking of trying something super new and different this month. If you'd like to participate, read on!

Unless plans were to change last minute (and yeah, they always could; that's life), it looks like I'm going to have nearly 48 hours in the latter half of October during which I'll have more or less uninterrupted play time by myself. Of course I plan to be fully in diapers 100% of that time, and so I'd like to turn it into a sort of journaling exercise. Instead of posting a story that week, I'm promising to write a few paragraphs every two waking hours, narrating my time as a diaper baby for you all.

But in addition to that, I'd also like to try something I've toyed with but never truly done: regressing my diet. Because after all, what's the point of being Little if you aren't forced to eat like a real kid, toddler, or even a baby?

Hence my poll. What kind of age-appropriate diet would you like me, your humble AB/DL erotica writer, to be forced into for nearly two whole days? :-) Below are the three options I'm considering, together with a sample of the foods I'd be allowed and how I'd eat them:

  1. Big kid, 4 years: Sippy cup & spoon; juice, water, baby carrots, crackers, sandwiches, chicken nuggies, mac 'n cheese, apple slices
  2. Toddler, 2 years: Bib, bottle, left hand spoon only; juice, milk, water, mashed veggies, refried beans, bananas, chopped soft fruit, yogurt
  3. Baby, 10-12 mo.: Bib, bottle, hands only; Ensure Plus "formula", juice, water, applesauce, pudding, oatmeal)

Thus I, your humble AB/DL erotica writer, am pledging to let my patrons force me into one of these three diets for about 48 hours.* Which of the three will depend upon your votes: will you show me mercy and let me eat some big-kid food? Or am I destined to slobber and gulp my way through two days of baby bottles and sticky, mush-covered fingers? ;-) Please vote as you see fit! (Poll will remain open for the next two weeks, until Oct. 18.)

I'll be posting more info about the rules by which I'll abide – and a special bonus when folks join my Patreon – later. Stay tuned! :-)

*Do note, of course, that out of health concerns and so forth, when it comes to quantities I do reserve the right to eat and drink only as much as my own personal judgment and safety allow. Kink needs to be safe, sane, and consensual, and so I'm not going to run any risk of water poisoning, for example.



Only four more days to vote – so do it now while you can! There's still time to change the outcomes if you want! ;-)