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Hi there, folks! It's been a good long while since we conducted a poll, and since there are a lot of new patrons these days I wanted to check in and get everyone's feedback on upcoming stories.

So as you all know, for the past few months the regular, four-per-month stories have been one-off, individual short stories based on a certain theme. For July and the first week of August, I've taken those themes and worked them into a five-part story… but now I'd like to know what y'all would like to see after that short series wraps up.

What do you think: shall we go back to individual stories, or to a longer series? If you want a series, which of the following ideas would you like most? (As you can see, I have a LOT of ideas that I'd love to write about!)

Please vote for the one that you want to see most. I'll be closing the poll after one week, so vote as soon as you can! And as always, feel free to message me separately (here on Patreon, on Discord, or even on Tumblr or Deviantart) to tell me more about what you want.

Thanks in advance for your time and your feedback – I super duper appreciate it!



And the results are in! "No series" won by a narrow margin (12 votes vs. the 11 votes for "Always a Bigger Fish), so going forward we'll stick with individual stories. (I will try to work in some of the BDSM themes I'd planned for "Always a Bigger Fish," though.) Many thanks to all who participated – I really appreciate it!