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This was a collab with ClockworkPhysicist from the Growth Academy team back in 2020. What happens when Abena finds herself out of place and running out of time with a very strict Class President on her heels?


“Oh nononononono not now! Pleaseeee,” Abena whined to herself as she dashed through the halls of Seichou Academy. She clutched her purse close to her chest as she felt heat rise in her chest. She knew this heat. It wasn’t from her being late, or embarrassed from not having homework done.

This was her doing.

She took a step around a corner, shutting her eyes to try and quell the coming storm inside of her. She felt her plant foot strain as she took the corner, a sign that her attempt to calm herself wasn’t working as well as she’d hoped. It also was a mistake for another reason.


She barely had time to react before she ran headlong into something large and firm. Her impact sent shockwaves through her, and ricocheted her directly into the nearby lockers. Surprised, she forgot all about what she was going through in the moment. Things had decidedly gotten worse.

“H-HEY!” The victim of her recklessness shouted. They pivoted (carefully), then locked angry eyes directly on hers.

Shiori Matsumoto’s own fire began to burn. She tried to stifle the feeling of something careening headlong into her…*ahem* behind, and funneled that feeling into anger.

“There is NO running in the halls, you could have gotten seriously…” The orderly looking girl stopped for a moment, taking a moment to eye the woman who moments ago had just caused a fairly embarrassing collision. “One moment. May I ask who you are? I’ll have you know academy grounds are off limits to the general public.” A quick scan told her this wasn’t a Seichou student. She wasn’t wearing a familiar uniform, that much was for sure. The chocolate hued skin of her assailant backed up her theory. There weren’t many, if any, foreigners at Seichou. Finally, she didn’t have any sort of identifying pass that designated her as a visitor. As class president, she couldn’t let some random person without prior permission in, much less go barrelling through the halls. She would have to take them to the principal's office and let them sort out this interloper.

“Ma’am, I’m afraid I’ll have to take you to the principal's office.” In contrast to her previous statements, the raven haired woman began to speak in a calm, fluent english. Shiori went to push her glasses up before reaching out towards the stranger, but a sharp gasp from them gave her pause.

“S-sorry! Gotta go!” the stranger quipped, before trying to create distance between themselves and Shiori. Shiori went to grab the person, but Abena stumbled just out of her reach.

“No! Not now, please!” Abena pleaded before an odd sound hit both her ears and Shiori’s. An audible “bloomph” sound caused Abena’s body to jerk violently. She gasped, and then looked at Shiori; her eyes wild.

“So sorry! B-bye!” Abena shouted before she moved past Shiori and down the hall. Shiori was not one for running in the slightest, but she was going to follow. She moved as quickly as she was comfortable with while Abena took off in a wild sprint down the hall. She took a sharp left, which caused Shiori to breathe a sigh of relief. That way led to the music hall, and nowhere else. She wouldn’t have to go running after all.

Abena was beginning to lose her sense of focus as she got closer to the door at the end of the hall. She took a momentary glance to see her breasts begin to foam out of the top of her V-neck, and dark freckles began to decorate the growing flesh.

“Sh..shit...I’m losing it.” She moaned in something of a southern drawl before pushing open the door to the music hall and slamming it shut behind her. She turned and tried to lock the door, but there wasn’t a lock.

“Damn it….” She grunted, before her burgeoning bosom drew her attention away from the door. “Ah, Ah gotta...gotta hide…”

Abena quickly scanned the room, and found not a lot of places for her to seclude herself. She was running out of time. Gathering her focus, she remembered where the major obstacles were before turning off the lights. Abena tentatively brought her hand up to touch her hair, and she felt it curling up, threatening to tangle her fingers in it. She stumbled to the left of the door, taking cover behind a stack of risers. Hopefully that girl would give up before it was too late.

“Let the principal know. If need be, ready up a report to campus security.” Turning around from one of her subordinates she called over, Shiori took her time heading to the door. Uncertain of the nature of this new intruder, Shiori began to ponder the situation in her head, as she resolved to possibly reason with them, if not detain them for a time. Reaching the music room, she realized that the lights had been turned off, potentially for cover. Wary of this, Shiori took a moment of pause in order to account for all potential outcomes and possibilities she could face when entering. Nevertheless, the safety of the student body was at stake, and in her experience, seconds could make a world of difference. So, she turned the handle and entered.

As she expected, darkness. She stayed as close to the door as she could and waited for her eyes to adjust. She tried to stay relaxed, but the sounds of fabric tearing and wanton moaning was...unsettling, to say the least. The ripping of fabric had become a sound she’d woefully become used to, but the moaning? She hasn’t heard such a sound in quite a while… at least not since her first time with Keisuke...

She shook her head. Now was not the time for that.

“Ma’am, I’m going to need you to come out.” She said, using the authoritative voice she was well known for. “I’ve alerted the proper authorities, and if need be we can handle this situation calmly and quietly..”

She was met with mostly silence. With a sigh of exhaustion at the intruder, she took a step to her right, and flipped on the lightswitch.

Terror immediately gripped her, as right in front of her face was not the intruder she remembered. She’d sworn there was nothing there before she hit the lights, but now? A mountain of a human being stood in front of her, with large curly hair that obscured the majority of her face. A ruined v-neck shirt feebly tried to contain breasts that would put Honoka’s to shame. And behind her…

...She feared she was looking into her own future, as her behind was easily visible from the front, the cheeks shedding the intruder’s pants like a snake would discard its skin.

“Ah, Ah’m sorry for the goose chase, sugar.” The massive woman started in an odd drawl. “But she just wouldn’t let meh out…”  It appeared that she was pouting, a thought that Shiori registered and forgot the moment she grabbed Shiori by the arm and pulled her in close.

“W-What on earth is-?!” was all she could say before massive lips mushed into her face. She tried to pull away, but the moment those lips made contact, Shiori’s legs refused to do anything but stay rooted to the spot. She was effectively frozen. The woman’s gigantic, pillowy lips felt as though they had completely eclipsed Shiori’s own as her eyes widened in shock. Shiori let out a light moan, almost like a whimper, as her muscles felt themselves become slack.

“Mmmmmwah!” She disengaged with a soft ‘pop’ and took a step back. A coy smile drew across her lips, as if she was admiring Shiori.

“W-what...did you just…” She started, bewilderment rising to the forefront of her emotions.

“Now, you’re already almost as big as I am normally, so ah had to get thinking…” The woman said, tapping an index finger against one of the cheeks on her face. “Why not just make you look twice as good as me?”

Shiori blinked rapidly as she tried to wrap her head around what the woman just said.

“Twice as-”


She was interrupted as she was thrown backwards and gripped by something on both sides. Shiori craned her neck to see that her butt was now easily filling in the gaps of the doorway. That was quite the feat, considering the doors at Seichou were already so accommodating for larger people.

“Wha- Wha- WHAT?!” She stammered as she tried to free herself from the doorway’s grip. She thought she might have been moving, but she realized that her body was beginning to shudder.


Her cheeks fattened up again, electing to move vertically now that they managed to fill the doorway horizontally. Shiori cried out in surprise and...pleasure. Her thighs began to join the growth party, pushing her tighter into the doorway and making her officially fill the entire door.

With a loud grunt, Shiori managed to pull the mass of her gigantic rear from the doorframe, realizing too late that she was now stuck in the room. As the size of her rump kept growing, her skirt began to lift, revealing a rather scandalous looking cheetah print thong.

“Ooo, cheeky~” The interloper playfully teased Shiori as a deep pink blush spread across her pale face.

“P-please...stop! Nggh..” She pleaded as she heard her panties start to give way.

“No can do, sugar. Ms. Abena left me starving for so long...I need a...full course meal. And you’re not quite ready yet...”

A toothy grin crossed the face of the woman, which Shiori saw for just a moment before a pressure began to fill her sinus area.

“Uuugh… *snff*, my dose… my head feels like it’s g-gunna explode…”

“Aww, now what would be the fun in that, sugar? I’m just givin’ you a lil somethin’ somethin’,” The woman replied. Shiori couldn’t see her eyes, but she could feel the mischief emanating from her face.

The congestion mounted quickly, causing her eyes to cross, and before Shiori could think, she felt a sneeze coming.


She drew her hands up to cover her mouth, and when it came...she felt her lips fill the space between her hands and where she remembered her lips normally began. The effect was like what she imagined an airbag deploying would be like. They were like two fat, meaty sausages in front of her face, soft and plush to the touch. If she could venture to guess, she would match her assistant Yuki based purely on size. Her eyes went from the two massive lips on her face, and over to the woman. As the quick, explosion of pressure wracked through her head, she felt as her face puffed out with the sneeze… and after it passed, the puffiness remained. Her cheeks now had a noticeable chub to them, her chin much softer, her face looked more round… It looked like a replica of the strange woman. She frantically poked at her face before squishing her fat lips with her fingers.

“Th-these are…”

“Just like mine, yeah.” She said, an air of pride in her response. “But a little bit bigger. Soon, all of you s’gonna match…”

As if on cue, Shiori’s right breast burst from her top, flopping down on her chest. The left one followed suit, racing to match its counterpart until they easily passed her belly button. Shock and awe mixed for a potent cocktail as she watched her tits balloon out of control. This had to be a dream. She was losing it…

Scanning her hands, she watched her skin tone darken to match her assailant. She felt a sort of tightness begin to take hold on her head, as the roots of her hair felt as though they began to tug on her scalp. Her long, straight, silken hair began to become wavy, and then much more frizzy, before just becoming outright curly. Her bangs, normally parted by her prized and beloved headband, began to distend downward with the added bounciness of her hair as they covered her glasses. Freckles began to splatter in on her now absolutely massive chest, and...she suddenly began to feel very, very aroused.

“What…” She smacked her hand into her massive puckers as the voice that exited her mouth sounded like the womans’. “M-Mah voice! What in tarnation? W-What’s happening to me?”

“You’re almost done…” She cooed. Shiori’s mind and ironclad will was her hallmark, yet notoriously, one of her greatest failings was her inability to keep her libido in check, even when she forced a straight face…..and it all felt too good. Too natural. She...she wanted more.

And her new body complied. Her ass ballooned again, pouring out behind her in ridiculous quantities as she shot up half a foot. If she was her normal height, she easily would’ve been taken off her feet by her own butt. It was uncomfortable for a moment, but pleasure assaulted her brain, and she almost came on the spot.

“Guhhhh…” she choked out, before looking down at the woman in front of her. “Mah booty… mah lips… what did you do to me? Ah feel so… huge!” Shiori’s new voice came out with a sultry tone, sweet like southern sweet tea on a hot day. “Who are you?”

“Where are my manners, love?” She shimmied as she approached. She feigned checking the ruined pockets of the pants that still clung to her form, eliciting a self-satisfied chuckle from her. Shiori wanted to be upset, angry, or terrified. She knew that any moment, campus security and her subordinates could come in here… they would see her like this. A big, bubbly, deluxe sized mimic of the intruder. The thought was so humiliating, she wanted to lash out. But she couldn’t. It just came pouring out of her in the form of lust.

“Y’all can call me Daphne, but I’m about to make you come so hard you won’t remember my name.”



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