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First few panels of the prologue, I originally had it in a messy painted style that gradually turned into the clearer and simple cell shading as time went on. My editor didn't like the idea and believed it would confuse the readers so I settled on the style that we have now.

But I still saved all the original painted layers because I spent too much time on it to delete it lol

(Also wow my lineart back then are my sketches now 😂)




I’m so excited 😭❤️




Ofc it’s basically the only thing I look forward to every week 😭


I'm not sure if your editor is right about that, but I'm glad you found a common ground. I'm really excited to see how these redraws come out! I know a lot of people love and miss your older style since it felt so iconic to them, but seeing how your style and rendering has grown and developed makes me feel really excited to see how you choose to redraw these! (Do you get to draw Shinhye'a eyes red this time? 😂 Is there where your list of "things I regret letting my editor talk me into" get a do-over?) One of the coolest things about following webtoons and stuff long-term is watching the artist growth 🥰 You've come so far and really developed something I hope you're proud of!


This is not just because I love your art, it’s honestly in my opinion the best Webtoon on the app😗


Yeah I'm reverting her eyes back to how it was. B&W instead of red though. I have a long list but I'm not removing any fanservice he had me put in 😂


Personally I would have loved this style for the prologue and then a simpler style for the usual episodes. Always loved this style of shading/painting/rendering.


I cannot deny, I am INSANELY curious to see tye choices you DO make! The writers choice vs editing is one of those things that intrigue me lol. At least that way no one can go "her eyes are yellow she can't possibly be who she says even tho she looks just like Shinae, THE EYES" 😂😂😂💀


I wish the editor respected the vision of an artist. It’s almost like they didn’t have confidence that readers would understand visual context…when we’re used to reading comics. I remember the editor forced you to change Shin-hye’s eye color in the prologue to make it more impactful of the toys they were holding, but that’s way more confusing. Editors need to learn to trust the process and believe readers will put things together. Still one of my absolute favorite comics!


I dont really get why and how it could be confusing ? 🤔 I really love the idea and the painted style 😍 btw Its funny when in parallel they wanted you to make ShinHye eyes yellow when they are red to match the truck color if I recall well, which definitely confused a lot of readers 🧐


Literally the only reason I still have the webtoon app lmao


She's beautiful! 💗


The editors are the confusing ones changing things on a story that YOU made


Yay!!! Very painterly.

Pidgey koto

To be fair, there are times when editors change things for the better. This was a miss this time, though.