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Posting this on here because I know it will be too small to read on the app (also file compression will most likely make it pixelated or blurred).




Not me zooming ALL THE WAY IN🤣🤣


Yeap this panel alone will have me theorizing(and giving me headaches while trying to reread it several times)and keeping ily firmly stuck in my mind for the rest of the week.


Oh my oh my so much to unpack here ! 🌝

Josie Cakes

*Heavy Breathing*


OH MY GOD. If that article is about Nessa this makes her note to Nol all the more depressing :(


This is a newspaper from October(while now is December), so those newspapers maybe a part of her research material on the subject she is writing? And the middle one talks about a woman who was living in a apartment with her son? So it can’t be Nessa.. maybe that woman was a victim of Kim, she got pregnant so he paid for her to stay at that apartment with her child(maybe she threatened him with exposure so he got her killed?…but somehow I feel that yui is also maybe involved? After the way she threatened Rand)


Why couldn’t it be Nessa? I don’t think we have info on how or where they lived after moving to Korea, right?


I think it could still be Nessa. Iirc Nol actually has lived away from the Hiraharas for a long time, I forgot exactly where he talks about it. There was also the panel with police lights and a young Nol, which could possibly be correlated to that article as well


They moved to Korea when he was like 5 or so, correct? I’m assuming he lived with Nessa somewhere during that time frame before he got more involved with the Hirahara’s. I know we see him gifting Kousuke stuff for his birthday through the years but that doesn’t mean he wasn’t living with his mother until she passed/left etc.


Yeah @eve that’s what I was thinking too. I’m pretty sure while he was talking to Shin Ae too that he’s never really been w the Hiraharas ever, and he hasn’t been at HOME in a very long time. I think it’s heavily implied HOME was with his mom, someone who deeply cared about him and loved him. It seemed his life took that drastic turn after her passing

Christine Ayomide

I wonder if this Hannesson person will appear again?


It can indeed be about Nessa if that is a very old newspaper issue.. (which without coffee in my system, when I first saw the pic, I didn’t think it may be an old report). So if it’s about Nessa, sexual assaults by Kim, cover ups from the Hirahara corp.. her article will be WILD! She is taking the whole bunch of them down!


Uh oh


I can’t even imagine how Nol will take it, finding out that the Hiraharas (or may I say Yui?) are involved with his mothers death!!!! 😮🥺omg


Oh yeah I'm using alphabets with the calendar year 😅. It's pretty straightforward to follow though since it's in alphabetical order with the current year in comic set to 20XX.


Quim, you’re just out here going “huehuehue” as we theorize and try to map out things like that meme. 🤣


My partner now: “THEY WILL BE IN JAIL” 🥹🤣 (Personally, I think this refers to Rand.)


20WY so 25 years ago???


I think 20WY means 2013 because Quim said the current year is 20XX which I think it means 2022. So for me WXY = 123


The year the story is in currently changed? I always thought it stayed 2017 in canon


Maybe, but I think like you! But why would he change his name? It questions me a lot 🤔


Maybe I am wrong but Quim confirmed (in a comment earlier in this discussion) that the current year of the comic is 20XX


This is an insane swath of info but I’m also fixated on the fact that Yu Jing looks like she’s dressed up as Faye Valentine rn


There is a practice in Japan called mukoyoshi where a man is “adopted” into the family and takes on their name via marriage to a daughter of that family. In Rand’s case, that was his marriage to Yui.


Yes I remember that. But his birth name was Skuli, not Hannesson (or maybe he had both and now, with the mukoyoshi thing, his full name is Randulf Skuli Hirahara)


We’re hypothesizing Skuli is Rand’s middle name because when Quim was asked on CuriousCat about middle names she said Rand’s name was Randulph Skuli Hirahara, making Skuli a middle name instead of a surname. It’s also mostly used as a given name. But again, we could have misinterpreted the answer and it’s only our theories that Hannesson could be Rand.


That seems like the appropriate amount of years but quim said the years went in alphabetical order so WY, WZ, XA, XB... XW, XX


Yujing!! Now I’m more excited for the episode 😭😭


Quim I need another sneak peek soon so I can survive 😔


You know what, that definitely makes sense. Especially with the article it was related to. Somehow mixed it up with the apartment death one even though there is no date lol