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Ok so this is how this next sneak peek is gonna work. I'll have two separate posts. Audio file post and the missing panels post. I'll be adding silence at the beginning of the audio file so all you guys need to do is press play, then start reading!

Does that sound good?



anything you say breaks my heart but always sounds good! god I just read the chapter I suddenly don’t know how to breathe


All of my dreams are coming true. 🥹


You’re feeding my soul right now!! Thank you so much Quim 💕🫶🏻


Thank you for the sustenance 🥰


Honestly quim seems to have such a wonderful fanbase that I 100% doubt someone would leak the secret.




too excited rnnnnn


Yall remember when quimchee told us ily she thought was her easiest comic idea to draw?? Now that we are resolving a lot of things in ILY i cant help but think of how amazing all quim s comics will be 🥺




Wait, is this happening tonight? Or later this week? I need to know if I need to be refreshing patreon over and over like a crazy person, or waiting patiently til later in the week. 😂


Someone is already on reddit trying to hint that quimchee will be posting anything on here. Guys, PLEASE pleeeeaaaase if you want quimchee to share things, DON'T SPEAK ABOUT IT PUBLICLY. We aren't saying this to gatekeep but to protect her from trouble. If you're the person who commented on reddit, PLEASE take down that comment.


UGH 😭 like!!!!! Look I would also love people to know that quimchee is trying to give us little sneak peeks but... I'd also rather she not get in trouble so she CAN continue. It's frustrating when people don't respect that. :/


Unfortunately there are people already openly talking about it :< I'm sure they mean well but I also wish they would understand why it's meant to be kept quiet.


In wondering if this will post tonight, I wonder if it might be a time consuming process. I've never thought to ask how long it takes to post the hi-res images she shares, but I know she's said that even uploading episodes on webtoon takes time, so I imagine sharing a number of files might take some time to get posted/orchestrated? But this is just guesswork; I've never uploaded things to patreon!


Thankfully both the webtoon and reddit comments were taken down! Unfortunately there's still some replies to the webtoon comment, though.


😭 webtoon comments feel harder to clean up for that reason. Aaaahhhh I'm glad the og poster took it down at least!


I tried to damage control by telling them she didn’t post anything, and what she usually posts. Simple truths. 😂 Hopefully everyone gets the picture. 😒


😂 that works! It just so happens this sneak peek might be bigger than usual but let's not make a big fuss, right? 😂 I HAVE been encouraging people to check out her patreon for exactly that reason, too, lol sometimes there's a fun surprise!


Honestly i dont know why webtoon keeps the replies to deleted comments 😭 it seems so pointless


It is the most counter-intuitive platform for comments, too! The number of times I've come across some top comment that's been deleted and it's just yelling in the replies 💀 and the lack of reply notifications??? So the op can't even go pls delete your comments! It's such a mess 😭


Whoever faebelle is should also delete their comment


I didnt know i was adding to the problem im sorry! I thought when the og was posted the reply was too.. i could still see the og comment but didnt realize it was getting more seen. My bad


Oh its cuz that comment with just “delete this” kinda draws attention to the topic in the discussions, which is patreon. But also if it can be edited to smth like “Quim just mentioned there were missing panels”


You’re good fam! If you didnt tell them to delete the comment, then it would have stayed up there


It’s ok!! I’m not demanding it. 😂 I just felt like a crazy person. Also, did you see that McDonalds was turning their M’s upside down for women’s month or whatever? Like WacDonalds!? 😂😂😂😂


Oh, i didnt realize i actually did a somewhat decent thing.. thanks! Glad i noticed your reply quickly :)


nah faebelle you did great! its just important to delete it so people dont get the idea that somethings being covered up!


It's the SPECIFICITY of McDonalds that really cracked me up just now. Not just that you were eating but eating Mcdonalds LMAO good. Stay hydrated, stay nourished LMAOOOO


I hope they don't trademark the upside down M otherwise Wacs will be gone 💀


I found it on webtoon I had no idea she had a patreon I’m glad I can support it. But luckly his comment got deleted.