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Because this episode is already available to the public, I can post this here without spoiling most of you lol




Oh my GOD, being able to see this in greater detail is even more devastating. I know there's complicated feelings about Rand (and rightly so) but his anguished horror is such a SUCKER-punch to the gut. An absolutely incredible homage to the original work.


Uhg so good.


So well drawn gurl!


You've absolutely outdone yourself with this one🥲 It's my favorite panel of the series now


The comparaison of this panel with the one where his mother kisses him shows us so much about their relationship


I’m an older reader so I can thirst for Rand the Terrible. This is one of my fave moments for him. Send him over; I can fix him.


Would we ever get to see Rand's story background? I'm so curious about him. I feel since the formal he drastically changed. Like before he was hostile towards Nol and now he shows concern. Would we ever know what brought the change in him??


I wouldn't say there's anything that's changed about his character but I will say there are 3 different Rands. The Rand in front of his wife, the Rand that's by himself, and the Rand that's cautious. With the recent events, the lines between are getting more and more blurred


I had this thought recently that Rand and Nol are really like father like son. I mean to be in a forced relationships and look somewhere else? check. try to have some distance so yui wouldn’t hurt their loved ones? check. MISERABLY FAILING AT THIS BECAUSE YUI DOESNT CARE? CHECK.


also it’s so funny how you reference Russian art over and over again, the Russian art is really depressing no wonder you like it 😂😂😂


I thought I had written a comment, but I see that I had not! I must rectify this error posthaste! So, without further ado: WOW. Gorgeous work as always, Quimchee. 😉😊❤️


So interesting.... Take your worthy time. I have an old ex-friend Russian.


and it's even more funny when you're hiding from russian bombs, hoping that this time you'll survive to read a new chapter, and then reading about mentions of russian culture over and over again ☺️


Wow, this is stunning


I just noticed; they must've asked you to tone down the blood, eh? I like this better.


Poor Nol! He can never get a break, can he? You evil author, you! 😈🤣