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Wait so I am reading that 214 got uploaded early??? 💀



is there supposed to be more?


what the heck is happening with webtoon 🤦‍♀️


It's insane to me that they won't post an episode an hour late, but they somehow manage to post an INCOMPLETE episode early 💀 they keep finding new ways to screw up.


Yeah I noticed the top comments are from 6 hours ago what the heck haha and amazing episode yet again! Thank you for all your hard work as always


Yup up loaded couple hours early then got taken down and now it's back....awesome episode 😊 can't wait to see what happens next!


I really can't fathom how and why Webtoon manages to keep messing up your work 😔. You deserve better, they literally have one job. Is there any chance they'll fix this episode, or do you think they're just going to leave their mistake untouched?


webtoon really out here doing their own thing without your consent 🤦‍♀️


God, I hope they'll let you update the episode again as you could with 212. It's not too late yet. Sucks though that they put so much more work on your plate that could easily be avoided😕


Webtoon doing this all the time is about to be the start of my villain story.


Holy cow this is so frustrating! I’m sorry Quim. I wish they’d let you tel the story the way you want to. It seems like they’re constantly getting in your way. 🤦‍♀️ Will you know if they’ll update it with the additional panels?


Quimchee, be careful. I really hope they're just a bunch of morons over there, but this is just unacceptable. Watch yourself. I hope they're not trying to pull something in order to push you out.




what the heck


I'm so sorry that this keeps happening to you. Can't imagine the frustation you must be feeling lately. They need to respect you and your work, you have enough on your plate! I wish we as readers could do more to support you in this because it really isn't fair to you. I hope you can sort things out, so you can enjoy your weekend with one less thing to worry about.


Girl you should hear what they originally asked me to do with the main trio 💀


🥹 Well now I really want to hear all about it. On the other hand, I think I can probably guess the line they’d like you to follow. 😒😂


At this point I'd be looking for an attorney, perhaps one who would only work with a contingency fee or something. These incidents aren't just someone being sloppy or lazy, although one can hope that's all it is and come Monday they're fired. This is negligence. They also tried to push you into doing things you didn't want to do with the story, and nearly worked you to death, literally! I know comic book authors have always had it rough, but this is beyond ridiculous.


I'm afraid to do it by myself but if more creators band together, we may have a better chance, rather than fight solo, against such a large entity. There have already been several investigations that have amounted to nothing in the past.


Oh really? Man, that's awful. Meanwhile watch your back. We've got your back, too.