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Cute little sketch I thought everyone should see :)

I wish I could just the entire comic like this. Messy but at least it doesnt take long LOL

Edit: I wish I could just *draw* the entire comic like this. Messy but at least it doesnt take long

Sometimes I feel like my brain processes things so fast my hands don't keep up and misses words 😭




Oh NO so cute 😭 You're really aiming to make us cry I see! I LOVE seeing sketches like this! It's just... idk even with incredible lineart something about a sketch is so dynamic. Getting to see this kind of stuff is fun!


Omg sooo cute!!! Baby nol and nessa??


Honestly id read anything you publish even in this style ❤️❤️❤️


Almost thought baby minhyuk and ma but he doesnt got the frecks


AWWWW i love this 😭❤️❤️


So cute awwwww!!!!😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️me too girl lolol I mistype way too often—I hate it especially when I check my writing and I think it’s fine, only to notice the typo later. Damn these hands👹


D'aawwwww!!! Very adorable! And yes, my brain does the same thing sometimes. For example, when reading something I enjoy, I'll sometimes read so fast that I accidentally jump entire paragraphs. Whoops! Back up, back up...okay, go! Apparently it's an ADHD thing. 😅😂


Yeah, I didn't get diagnosed until last year, and I'm 46. Lots of Gen X'ers haven't, apparently. Mental health wasn't talked about much in the 90's, and stuff like Ritalin and Prozac were brand new and weren't well-understood. Several of what I thought were just quirks of mine were actually not quirks at all, but symptoms. Like, the fact that I must be surrounded by clocks or else I have no sense of time, is one. (An hour can feel like 5 minutes, and 5 minutes can feel like an hour. I can't always tell the difference.) Anyhoo, both my nieces were diagnosed, and my sister researched it to death and said, "Hey, this sounds a lot like you!" And it did, so yeah. I'm on a mild, slow release med, and what I can say is a lot of what I can only describe as "white noise" in my head has gotten a lot quieter. It's a relief to know what I've experienced isn't uncommon at all. I just wish I had known a little sooner. But, as they say, better late than never. 😉😛


Ugh, my heart.


I got diagnosed recently too! Exactly like you, I thought the "symptoms" I had were just part of my personality until my partner (diagnosed since childhood) listed his signs and symptoms and I was like... wait a minute why is that me 🤨 I'm not Gen X. 90s baby but I lived in Asia for the first half of my life and well... mental illness isn't real there 💀


So I've heard. It really is too bad. But, I bet some of the greatest, most unique minds before us were just as crazy as we are, and were able to figure it out without meds or therapy, although they probably would have appreciated them. Still, they survived, so we will too. 😉😁


That happens to me when I'm talking, I'll skip over words and have to stop, take a breath, and then restart the sentence slowly 😂😂


Awwww🥺🥺🥺 I honestly wouldn’t even be mad if the whole comic was like this. I love sketches. It’s a vibe✨


Oooohhh reading the ADHD comments - I also very nearly said the same thing (but in a separate comment because I missed that text til I reread 😂) but didn't know if it'd come off as "late diagnosed ADHD woman diagnoses everyone she meets with ADHD, too" or not 😂 I got my diagnosis last year (in my 30s) and it's cleared up SO MUCH about my life. I hope yours feels the same, too, and helps you find more compassionate understanding for yourself!


I wouldn't mind switching to b&w like traditional manga. Your story and characters are what matter!!!