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A double page spread of a side project I've been working on. I forgot Clip Studio can record timelapses now and I didn't turn on the feature until I was almost done lining this page.

It's nice to draw something different for a change. I've been feeling very unmotivated this entire year to draw (or do anything at all really). It's a lot of work especially doing this on top of ILY but it's stuff like this that remind me why I decided to pick up drawing again after college. 



Side project I've been working on the past month. It's nice to draw something different for a change.



Hey!!! So nice to hear from you! Wow, that really looks amazing. I'm so sorry it's been a tough year. But you accomplished a lot too, right? And survived a hurricane on top of everything! 😂 I really loved your heritage piece. It was easy to see what a passion project that was. I know that work always comes calling, but don't ever stop drawing for yourself, too, even if those drawings never see the light of day. You're your first and most important audience and fan. I hope you're healthy and happy. God bless you, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! JackieH.


Glad to see a new post from you! I hope you are well, and don't worry, we are all humans after all. Some times are more productive than others. I'm interested in your new project. Do you have a launch date?


This looks really great! I love the detail and perspective. Something I enjoy about your work is the really distinct style you have. It's hard to maintain passion when you're struggling to stay motivated, and that's understandable. When your career is pretty much rooted in something you don't feel passionate about, it's hard to maintain, right? It's easy to burn out of even things you love. It hasn't been a great year for me, either, and I remember feeling like I wasn't even alive all through October. I get it. It's incredible you've been able to keep working in those conditions this year! I hope you find more time to continue working on more side pieces, and that your upcoming break from ILY will help you renew that passion for creating and drawing. I gotta say, the last FP episode looks great. You have some fun angles/framing and lighting in there! I hope you're able to keep finding time to make art for yourself, or that you're excited about! Thanks for sharing this time-lapse, it's good to hear from you again!


Love it! You’re so good at shadow and lighting. And I feel you on lacking motivation. Regardless, your work is still great! ❤️


Thank you! Sorry to hear you haven't been great either. I hope the next year will be kinder to everyone! It's crazy how much an artist's mental/emotional state seeps through their work because the most recent FP was the first time in quite a while where I found myself eager to eager to draw again.


Tentative January or February of next year! I can't disclose any information at the moment but it's a little oneshot that will be released independent from Webtoons!


Thank you and Happy Holidays!! Yeah the heritage piece was very fun as well! I had never done stand alone episodes so I was nervous about it and thought I didn't have the storytelling ability.


I'm sorry it's been hard. Thank you for all the work you do so that we can enjoy it. :) I also absolutely loved your heritage piece. The storytelling was amazing.


Say WHAT?! 🤯 You didn't think you had the ability to tell a good story?!? The Hell you don't! Good gravy marie, I'd give you a giant noogie if I could, LOL! Quimchee, if nobody has ever told you, you are an Amazing storyteller. Heck, I'd read your books if you had decided to be a writer instead. I've no doubt about that. But not only that, you have a great eye for design, symbolism, lighting, clothing folds, and I've already commented on how much I love the way you draw hands (and now I can happily add feet to that, too!) 🤣 Do not discount your natural talents and hard earned skills! As it says in my favorite poem, Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann: Be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars. You have a right to be here. And, whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. It's more than okay to Fangirl over yourself now and then, all right? JackieH.


More people need to see this. Especially those who complain so much about episodes being short etc. They need to see how much work goes into this. Physically, mentally. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for the awesome story you have shared with us and the amazing characters you’ve introduced us to


I’m really sorry that it’s been hard Quim… I hope everything gets easier in the future! Just know that your story is absolutely amazing and we’ll be with you till the end!🫶🏽


It’s really good to see you enjoying drawings outside of ILY work. Arts careers are hard, and it’s so important to make time to do art for yourself. But it must be a tough balance to strike with visual art, which is so time consuming. And trying to balance that on top of just everything life throws at you. I hope this coming year is a bit easier on you and turns out to be a good one 💛. It’s always good to hear from you


I can’t graphic art very well, but my roommates are both fantastic artists, and sometimes I’ll just sit and watch them draw while we’re watching tv. They both like to make little doodles of my dogs, and the amount of work that goes into a single, goofy drawing is mind boggling. I don’t even want to think about how much effort and time you spend each week on ILY. If each episode was only three or four panels, I would be okay with that, because it’s clear how much of yourself that you put into each panel. The people who complain have likely never had to nurse a painful wrist or back after spending all of your time trying to meet a deadline without compromising your art and story’s quality. Unfortunately, your personal life and mental health often get sacrificed instead. Anything that you need to do to make life easier on yourself, or to bring yourself more joy, is what everyone here- random internet strangers that we are- wish for you. You deserve it. 💜