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Currently packaging the prints, July's shipment will include 7 prints, a bookmark and a sticker! Make sure your addresses are all up to date so you recieve them!

Also, I've found a service that will be able to take care of shipments for the prints so I can open more spots for Lil Buddy but only issue is the prints won't be signed since they ship straight to you from the warehouse :(

Let me know what you guys think of that! (Or if digital signatures are fine too)



I personally like you signing the prints but if a digital signature makes it easier I support it too 💛


Whichever makes your life easier. 😊👍


Whatever it takes for more spots! 😍


Digital signature is more than enough, I think we all just want to support you and your amazing work ❤❤


If digital signatures are easier and less stress for you that would make me happy!!


^also love digital signatures:) can’t wait!


Digital is fine


When more spots are available for the little buddy tier, how will we know? I don't want to miss it!! 😬


Did anyone receive that sweet sweet package of delight? I haven't received mine yet, so I just want to make sure it didnt get lost in the mail.


I'm sure it's just delayed! I hope at least! There were terrible storms in my area and tornadoes so it might have affected shipping speed 😭


Omg, you replied so fast. I love yoo <3. I hope you are safe and doing well!


Did any little buddy tier receive their package? I haven’t seen mine and I kind of getting worried now I hope it didn’t get lost in mail.


Hey guys I was wondering if anyone has recieved the buddy tier package because I haven't recieved mine yet.