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Hey guys! Sorry to disappoint but I'll have to postpone the livestream today to a later time or tomorrow instead. I'm having a terrible allergic reaction this morning to something (it MAY be pollen or most likely an eye cream I tried out last night because I'm dumb lol) but my eyes are almost swollen shut. I'll stream tonight if the swelling goes down enough, if not, stream will be tomorrow on the 28th at noon CT instead!

Planning on working on the next episode, or perhaps an illustration!

ALSO: any recommendations for eye cream for sensitive skin like myself that won't make me go blind? Or best pollen allergy control? and tips to get the swelling down lmao I look like a boxer after going 12 rounds 😭



Hope you feel better soon!! -- To get the swelling down, take 2 spoons and throw them in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Then, lay down, get comfy, and put those spoons over your closed eyes for however long you feel works best for you. -- Listening to music you like makes the time go by and is more fun! -- Hope this helps!! 💜


Gadzooks, how awful! Hope you feel better!


Hope you feel better soon. No worries at all. Take your time and get better first. I personally use Claritin because a lot of other stuff makes me drowsy and unproductive.


I pray for healing for quick recovery in the name of Jesus! Rest well and don't worry about streaming. We'll still be here, promise!


Oh man, sensitive skin sucks. I use things from the brands Fresh and Caudalie and have never had a reaction. They're expensive but it's so much better than the reactions from cheap stuff.


Also, frozen cucumber slices are good for they eyes.


I’d try anything from the inkey list, they’re super good and usually 10-15 ish


I feel your pain on the eye cream. I've tried so many and at best I tear up uncontrollably. The rest of my skin can take whatever so I can't test them anywhere else. Seriously I tried some really expensive ones - friends love me 'cause i'd pass them on to them lol - eventually I started just buying pure versions of nut butters. (Disclaimer I'm not an expert I just read a lot and tried a lot of things on myself) You can find Shea butter or Babasu oil directly online (and on a shopping site that is really easy to search and immediately comes to mind but I try to avoid when possible) Shea is very healing, but comedogenic, Babasu is non-comedogenic and also really good though not as highly regarded in restoring power as Shea... though it also feels less greasy than Shea does. Babasu melts at a lower temperature so careful 'cause it will liquify in warm weather. However if your eye lids are ok and not feeling dry or itchy... there really isn't a reason for using a lot of eye cream... if you're concerned about wrinkles around the eyes then use these butters (or something with collagen and very few other ingredients) and try to always have sunglasses with good lenses when outside to try and squint less.


Aaaah I’m so sorry Quim, I’ll pray for your eyes ❤️❤️❤️. I use CeraVe products, their face wash and face lotion is the best for my sensitive combination skin 😫. I think they have eye cream too!!


Omg I love CeraVe! Hope they do have an eye cream bc their products are one of the only ones that don't irriate my skin!


EvanHealey is an all natural skin care company and I love their products, they have a wild carrot eye balm that is very gentle.


awww sorry quim!! i def bring out benadryl if the allergies get as bad as where you’re at and accept my vampire sleep, but i have found that drinking nettle tea has helped reduce my likelihood of getting hives as well as wearing masks, so… glad that‘s more commonplace now and there are lots of mask options now. 😷 hope your eyes feel better soon!