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I'm just letting all of you guys know that my page has been switched to "Charge up front" so from now on, new Patrons will be charged on the day they become a patron. On the 1st of the following month, they will simply return to being charged monthly at the beginning of the month. 

Existing patrons will be charged on the 1st of the month like usual, unless you make changes to your pledges.

 What happens if an existing patron increases their pledge amount? 

Patrons who increase their pledge amount will immediately be charged the difference between their previous pledge level and their new pledge level. For example, a patron was charged $10 on March 1st. They edit their pledge to $15 on March 7th. On March 7th, they are charged $5 to bring the total paid by this patron in March up to $15. 

  What happens if an existing patron decreases their pledge amount?  

 Patrons who decrease their pledge amount will be charged the new amount on the 1st of the month. They will not be refunded anything. 

NSFW Content

I'm still debating whether to post NSFW content and will most likely put up a poll for this. I will post anatomy studies in the future though.



Sounds good!


Do you need a poll? I mean you basically had every screaming "NEKKID KOUSUKE NEKKID NOL NOW!!!!!"


Thanks for letting us know!


If I can make a suggestion.... could you break up your donation levels a bit more like you used to? I would love to give you more for more. I understand new cameos aren't a possibility but maybe signed pdfs of particular panels, stickers, 25 dollar backer only polls of whatever... etc. I know I can just donate more but I can't really justify it / afford it unless I can say 'well I'm getting xyz from it'.


Time for that Poll :-)


Thanks for the input! I'm still brainstorming rewards for future tiers that won't increase workload too much. I am planning to increase the limit for Lil Buddy Tier soon though!


WOW. Thank you for the prompt response! If you need any help (creating stickers, prints, whatever) I'm p good at that and willing to help for free. Or, simple advertising/mailing list stuff. <3