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Ep 56 was supposed to begin backpedaling a bit to Nol's perspective before he ended up in the dance floor. He has a brief interaction with Alyssa after he checks in her and her sister's coat. There is an omitted scene in this deleted scene though to avoid potential spoilers lol.



Poor Nol and his constant screen time cuts.


There is a broken pic icon at the bottom. What is it? Is it really broken? I keep refreshing the page, but I still can't see the pic. I'm so curious... O___O


It's gone now XD I was wondering what that was when I first uploaded it lol


Its so sad he has to fake a smile every time. He looks so sad when he notices Shin Ae and Kousuke dancing tho ;/


Thank you for letting me know! I'd have continued refreshing the page if you hadn't. XD


In these panels alone, u can already see and feel how disconnected alyssa and nol with each other.


Thanks for this. I love seeing the behind the scenes stuff.


wait, was Alyssa flirting with another guy or was that Nol? I am confused lol


wow I hadnt noticed that she was flirting with someone else at first and now this worsened my impression on her so much more


So does this mean that this still happened even though it was cut out of the comic ?