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So I'm really terrible at counting. I honestly thought I counted 90 panels for episode 46 this week. But I have this tendency to get stuck on a loop when I count. Episode 46 was actually 160+ panels when I showed it to my editor and he suggested I split it in half. At least I'm ahead with work now LOL That was really nice of him thought because he suggested it with my condition in mind. But seriously how was I that off in counting ๐Ÿ˜‚ my god...



So this man was this f.... asshole. Some of you have a good "intuition". I was hoping that chapter 47 will let me know how is Shinae's dad, and show me Kousuke or Nol rescuing our poor girl, but it is stressfull right now ! Quimchee you're good at creating "tensions" and "suspense" you know. I can't wait next week and I hope that her dad is alive, because right now Shinae's face at the end makes me worry.


And also what happened to Shinae"s dad ? Is the "thursday" she gives Mrs Hirarahara to obtain the money is the day of her eviction ???? I AM SO WORRIED !!!!!!! Please help her, and not with that assh..le....