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 Ok so, as you guys know i don’t dwelve into my personal life on this blog but because of recent developments that are also influencing the speed to which i’m working on commissions, i decided to spill a bit of what’s happening to me. This also relates to why i’m making my Patreon more of a thing recently. The rest is after the cut: 

Ok so, i’m currently unenployed and i live with my mother. My father is an egocentric and childish asshole who, because of his terrible and manipulating behaviour, forced her to divorce from him. Despite that he’s still enough of a shit to require being reminded or forced to pay alimony most of the time.

2 weeks ago my father tried to put pressure on me to sign some documents related to the dying business venture he partake in for the last 4 years. He’s always been extremely dodgy on the details as to what these documents are but he kept saying that i didn’t need to worry about it. I talked about it with everyone i trusted and everyone confirmed my suspicions: this is a really really fishy situation, so i told him no. But that wasn’t enough and he kept trying to put pressure on me multiple times even tho’ i always answered no. After putting pressure on me wasn’t enough anymore, he started with vague threats like stopping to pay alimony (which is technically illegal) or forcing me to give him back my scooter, which is my main method of transportation).

This is the kind of shit i had to deal with in the last 3 weeks. My father is costantly like this and the fact that i can’t find a goddamn job to support me while i draw is slowly getting more of an issue. That’s why i’m pushing my patron more: i don’t want to stop what i love doing just because my father is a huge anus but i can’t do it if he keeps being a huge anus. That’s why your support is extremely important to me. I want to keep giving content to you guys and i hope to be able in the future despite the shit my father is pulling on me.

TL:DR - My father tried to scam me and he’s threatening of doin worse. My patreon is important because your support will keep making me able to produce more content for you guys.

Thanks for reading guys. I hope to have more to offer to you in the future.




Animo, los que estamos aqui te apoyamos!!