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Hey guys! I know it's not october yet but that's what this post is going to be about for the most part.

Not sure how many of you follow me on tumblr so i decided to talk about it here too: starting from august i've been hired by the postal service in my country as a postman. The contract is limited to 3 months and it ends at the end of october.

I thought i could decently juggle between that job and my regular art stuff and initially it was working, but the more the days went on the more the job got intense and stressing. I was going to open commissions again next week but i'm physically unable to do that since the situation got so bad that i will be forced to work overtime almost every single day. And the overtimes are not paid. Managing to get out of the office at the correct hour will be a luxury for me.

So yeah i'm sorry if for the next month the pace is going to be slow, i plan to open commissions again as soon as this thing blows off. Again, sorry guys.


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