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Hello Patrons,

As many of you should know by now, we aren't, well... factually correct 100% of the time. So you probably shouldn't take everything we say as life advice (Mudan fact check the goat).

That's why we want to ask YOU guys for some of your top life advice OR some of  the issues you may be struggling with now. Lay it, down on us like the little babymen we are. Or maybe we can become your gurus?

What are some of the things you may know now, but wish you knew when you were younger? 

Feel free to add in some personal stories if you're ok to share!



Drink hard , piss hard

elijah kim

for anyone in high school, god help you; but do things outside of school. it feels like high school is your whole world and anything that goes wrong means your world is ending but truly, after a few year from graduating high school, things will pass by and make it seem so small in comparison. take advantage of your free time and try to find cultures outside of high school. obviously stick to the legal stuff.


The waves will always come, so learn to swim. I used to get frustrated with therapy wondering why life wasn't automatically better after learning so many tools to cope better, feel my feelings, etc. Then I heard someone say, "Learning new skills doesn't mean the waves won't come, it just means you've learned how to swim through them" and that helped me reframe my thinking about all of my progress. The lows may keep coming, but they'll be easier to face if you equip yourself with the right skills and tools to get through them.


How do you personally get things done when you have no motivation? I do my best to push through those days where I have none, but it can be incredibly challenging.


Boring Career Stuff: All of this stuff is true generally, obviously there will be exceptions. 1) The best way to get better pay is to get a new job at a different company. Companies do not reward loyalty. 2) What's important isn't being good at your job, it's having people believe you're good at your job. These are obviously related, but if everyone in your business is constantly busy, your manager isn't going to go into detail about how well you've worked, they'll vibe check it. Speaking with confidence, and promoting yourself and the good work you've done to the others around you (in a non-wanky way) will do great things for how your competency is perceived. 3) Lie on your resume, but in a smart way. If you have a skill you learned in your own time, but haven't yet used it in a job setting, say that you did. If most of your job experience isn't relevant to what you're applying for, then overemphasise the bits that do, and their role in your work. DOn't just make up skills you don't know. 4) Lastly, the workplace is filled with people, not professionals. If someone is a complete dumbass in their day to day life, they aren't suddenly going to come into the office and become reasonable. Being right is only important if the people in charge care about right-ness.


Most people that you encounter in life are going to be a lot more insecure than you think they are. And that's not a bad thing it just helps to know that everyone is going through similar things in life.


How do you deal with being stuck in the middle of work and being a bum. I’m at the point in life where I feel nothing is advancing. I don’t have anything to work towards. So I don’t want to in general. But I have also been a bum where I haven’t worked for a month and believe it or not. You get tired of doing nothing. Playing games, watching TV etc. If you have been in this position. How do you get out of it?


life becomes so much easier when you stop caring about what people think of you


Be kind. It is one of the hardest things to keep up as you get older and your perspective more jaded, but it’s how you stay open to people, circumstances, and change.

shiroe britania

MAY FAVORITE LIFE ADVICE SINCE I WAS IN HS: every beginning has an end, and every end has a new beginning OR "Every New Beginning Comes from the Beginnings End" by Seneca