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Hello International Individuals.

Here's some more early access clips covering everything from the Trash Taste Tour, travels abroad and you guessed it, MORE FOOD TAKES!





Oh shit no way a solo episode?


Hey, are you guys okay on the Google Podcasts app? The past few episodes have been taking ~5 days to release on it, and your icon has now disappeared and is a generic color with the name on it.


Can't play the videos. "The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded"

Blake Kercovich

Hey guys, I was a patreon from the start, then had to take a couple months off when I lost my job, but I've been back for a couple months now but my name still hasn't returned to the end credits. How often does it get updated?

Aleksey Masenzov

The names haven't been updated since the Daidus episode (#99). It would have made sense to update them at least once a month to prevent people from pledging short term and then cancelling but I guess updating the names is the least of their priorities atm.


I just wanted to say I hate oranges. Their taste reminds me of puking.