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Here's the link to the file!

Enjoy! Let us know down below who's figures are the best. 👀👀👀


Update: Weve heard your feedback about the large file size and we've uploaded a much smaller version! You can see it in the post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/60054541



Is there a Key code?

Epik Phil Foisy

It's in the link provided above. Copy everything AFTER the # : nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc


Okay thanks!


is it really 45GB ?😳


You need to add the Chrome extension or the desktop app, otherwise you can't download it. You also don't need to buy the mega plan.


no mega just no pisstake unwachabal with the buffer free or payed


Doesn't mega have a limited download? What are we supposed to do once we hit the limit?


pay to win

Caleb Kouns

Would be simple if I could download it in 1080p instead of 4K 48GB is just taking the piss. Otherwise excited to watch the episode.


i won''t lie, im a bit dissapointed with that mega.nz link, i wont make an another account on yet another site just to watch something that i should be able to normally


Can the video not be watched without downloading it first?

Dave Redfern

yeah a 1080p file would have been more than sufficient. I don't even have the bandwidth to stream at 4K ... scratch that, I don't have a 4K screen anywhere anyway! hahaha. :sadface


Ok, so now I need to buy a MEGA subscription to be able to download the video. Great!


wait whats the decryption key


Copy the link together with the # part


For such a file, torrent is the only real way to go. I mean, I personally have mega pro. But most people won't. So IMHO either also provide a 1080p or a torrent for the 4k Version. My 2¢


It's possible. There is a play button on the page. But since it's quite big (46GB), it takes some time to start (I assume it preloads some part to show).

Wenkai Qin

bruh can i just have a 1080


Please never only give a 4k option for Mega. The desktop app on my PC literally refuses to download faster than 200 KB/s, while my normal download speeds on Steam and such are 50 MB/s. It would take me over 2 days to download this.


Can someone mirror it as a torrent please?


Can we have the 1080p please


Hmm dunno that this is worth a 50 gig download tbh


Unplayable :(


the vid stopped working


i dont even have space on my pc for 50gbs


Can we get a 1080p please?


I doesn’t work for me and it’s not because of my internet :( can you maybe upload it on Vimeo like with the hentai episode, please? There it worked perfectly fine.


This needs to have a 1080p version, my potato level internet is choking just considering at this :(


Did it just crash or something? My download is stuck in "retrying", I have mega pro


It was so big that it crashes hahahahaha


Could be that it just can't support everyone trying to watch it all a the same time. But yeah, really disappointing. I can't get it to load and I have fiber.


Whats thw=e key?


It's asking for a description key?


The link listed above is not complete. You need to copy the whole line: https://mega.nz/file/DHI2kZiQ#nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc


tried watching without downloading since i don't have the disk space and keep on getting an out of memory error. Could we just have this on vimeo or hell just upload it to pornhub, anwhere that wouldn't require you to download a massive file


Just realized that I have literally spent 1 hour trying to get this to work lmao Guess I'll have to avoid the subreddit for a few days...


The link listed above is not complete. You need to copy the whole line: https://mega.nz/file/DHI2kZiQ#nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc


I also think that torrent would be the best way for a file so big


45g? Why?

Blake Kercovich

You need to do like Joey does with his Patreon Q&A and just make it an unlisted YouTube video, because it buffers so bad on mega that it only plays for 10 seconds before stopping to buffer for 30 seconds again every time. Totally unwatchable.


you all need to stop using MEGA for ur download, I dont like having yo use a 3rd party a;pp just to download a video. I don't trust this company at all.


I am not going to watch this until a 1080p version ( or a version hosted on a better platform) is available

Nathus Dorkus

How in the absolute fuckery is this video NEARLY 46 GB Y'all need to sort this out, please.


litterally unwatchable


It's really bad how you can't watch it

Max Lopo

yeah, sorry, I have to agree. This video is far, FAAAAR too bulky. Unless someone is using a 3 meters screen (yes, meters. F*** your imperial "system"), no one needs that much definition.


What a load of bullshit, I pay 5 bucks to see the latest episode and it's too big to even watch

Lorevi Q

I just subbed on Patreon specifically for this episode and I can't download it without having to pay Mega? This is kind of ridiculous


I don't mind the big file size as I have a home server but the download speed from this site is super slow it's gonna take 2-10 hours to download and the stream is unwatchable


you can download it without paying Mega. but it takes sooooo fucking long


been downloading for like 2 hours now and it's only 30% done. bruh what the fuck. if you didn't at least put it as a YouTube premiere which sucks ass for the viewers


Is this whatchu would call a bruh moment?


Went into inspecting and deleted everything on the page except the video, it works.. oke now.


Mega is trash. But not in the tasteful way


cant get the key to even work

Damien Readman

Can only watch a few seconds and have to wait for it to buffer, my net is more than fast enuf to watch 4k. sad


Kinda sucks I subbed to Patreon for this video and I can't watch it properly, I mean always good to support the boys don't get me wrong, but please guys can we get a better way of watching it?


I downloaded it and it works just fine


This must be the worst video watching experience I have had...


If anyone uses podman or docker I used `podman run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/workdir -w /workdir aenygma/megatools megadl --path /workdir $FILEURL` to get the file without the mega cancer


I can get 300+ gbps download speeds through my internet, but this video is taking 3-4 hours to download


If you use Firefox, and you hate MEGA just as much as everyone else, the video can't be downloaded. I've been trying to watch it on their own player for a bit now and it just won't work. If you guys have any other way to share this uncensored episode with us, we'd really appreciate it. ❤️


What’s the decryption key?


Nice. Stream didn't work (just loading forever) so tried to download and got a solid 145hr download time. See you next week I guess


I'm having problems with loading the video


I agree they should've had a 1080p option but you're overexaggerating. It's just 4K


Download works fine for me. Thanks for the episode, lads.


Well if it isn't the consequences of my own horniness. Ah well, feels nice to support the boys, but a slightly more convenient way to stream would be much appreciated.


Maybe add in a 1080p option for downloading? I don't think most people will want to download in 4k+


I don't think we'll get an alternative too soon seeing how it's not even 8 AM in Japan yet. But I do agree with pretty much everyone else here that the MEGA video player is a bit shit and so is their downloader. Maybe next time we can get multiple options to watch, like vimeo, dailymotion, whatever else there is, so that in case one of them is acting up like today's, maybe the others won't? Also, as some other have pointed out, for videos of such size, a torrent would be much appreciated.


What’s the key


Now that the episode is out on YT I realized the length of the censored episode is 2:38:40, but the uncensored episode is only 2:35:45. I thought the whole point of the uncensored episode is that we got more content? (Are there really that many ads in the uncensored version?)


Only the start of the uncensored version is missing. Where they're shouting out their merch.


Wish they would have just done a separate video of the uncensored parts, the player takes forever to load and the file size is 45gb to download


good luck watching it. video buffers forever and the mega download is bs

Tyler Drummond

Ultimately it's only $7 CAD and I don't mind sending it their way, but there's no way I'm paying for Mega or sitting through a rdiculous download time when I have gigabit up and down internet so I'll just watch the regular YT version. Hopefully they find another solution cuz this one ain't it.


I think it's not so much mega but the fact that this is a 45gb video file, but agreed unlisted uploads to youtube would probably be better


guys why are the video files so big? ever hear of compression , holy cow ! 45gb that is nuts .


File too big and Mega has region limit. Pls Fix


Maybe 1080p on google drive


Welp, joined for the episode. Got baited. Fucking Mega.

Dacian Grada

I agree with others, I'm glad to support the boys, but this is very difficult to manage. Mega defaults to the main drive so even if I could wait for the download of the crispy 4k goodness, I can't really do it since I don't have 45gb of free space laying around. I think previous downloads were google drive? That sounds neat. It would even allow streaming at different quality I think.


this takes the piss. i wanted to support them and look at some figures' boobs. guess i wont be doing either. canceling the subscription if they use mega


I actually was hyped to see this one uncensored...so sad it doesn't work :(


Mega bait


joined for the video, but that download and buffering speed.

Red Rump Rudolph

Oh bollocks, frickin' Mega... guess I'm not going to get to see this version for a while. What if y'all just start uploading to like pornhub or something? lmao. but yeah, we need an adult-oriented YT site already, ffs.


Why don't they do what Chris does with his Pateron only vids just upload them to youtube and make them unlisted.


To be fair it does say V1 so lets have patience guys, there may be a compressed version of the video or something like that.


big joke


The video has uncensored anime pussy, it would be taken down .. that's the point


I have to agree with the others. I'm happy to support the boys, but the download and video player of mega are pretty bad, especially for a 45 gb video. Hopefully they will find a better solution.

Dave Redfern

My download finished after ~3 hours. Good luck to the rest of you!


I'm 15 minutes in and still has yet to download with the MEGA app. Really this is quite annoying.


Hoping we get a 1080p version eventually, due to my internet speed a 45gb download would take a literal day to finish, even without MEGA stopping every now and again.

Sam Jansen

Trash Taste? More like, Trash Download. https://i.imgur.com/IyEf4NM.jpg


How the heck is it 45gb?! I've downloaded movies that were only a few gb


You guys can see it on your pc with out download it

David Portnov

4K quality, but still not much of an excuse at this size/storage service.


I can't believe you think this is an acceptable size for a file you share. I think it's crazy when I keep a 2 hour file at about 5 gb. You've gone 9 times that. You cannot be this disconnected from average people.


If you insist on a filesize that large, at least make it a torrent rather than throwing it on a questionable fileshare site like MEGA.


Just spent more than an hour to get MEGA to work. It's actual trash :( Please change the way you upload files


google drive?


So, i don't know if this is allowed, but I re-encoded it to 1080p. (I'll delete the file in a few days or if this isn't allowed.) Comes out to about 8.4gb. Still through mega, but way more manageable than 45gb. https://mega.nz/file/AskUAbKB#2V7olkHpcuZ_mMi1lvSb6bzkZ8bwD5-6PC3FF8avCNk And drive. (will probably go down if enough people download) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bEyH_oA2DB1l4YRwG3bMg1673TBPwS9D/edit [side note: I'm assuming the workflow goes, create uncensored cut, then censor for YT. (hence the v1 in the file name)]


When you sub for an episode and then have to download a 45 go 4K video at 500kb per second for your 1080p monitor computer with an estimated download time of 30 hours.


Guys, 45GB? Through MEGA? Really?


Bruh it's still hasn't changed, yikes


nice, wasted 5 bucks


Estimated time: 5 hours - Well honestly that's better than where it started at 400 hours... and better than I expected but darn. (it keeps jumping between and 6... So i'll assume 5 is pretty accurate at this point)


It wasn't done getting lower, now it's thinking 4 hours


Thanks for transcoding this down to a reasonable size. I'm guessing this is just what the editors threw at Youtube, who are gonna transcode it down for them.


Streaming doesn't work, so you have to download the whole file 🤡


Wait can’t you guys just upload it to vimeo unlisted, that’s what all the other podcasts I listen to do.


me with an 4k screen is pleased to see no compression. IF it just finished downloading .


Oh come on what is this? I can't download 45 gb with mega because of the limit wtf


WTF, 45 gigs !?!?!?!?


So are they going to fix this or what?


if you’re talking about the passcode thingy, copy and paste the while url


Yeah maybe a quick run through handbrake is in order, Mudan.


it doesn't work, i feel scamed :(


It's been buffering for an hour, so I gave up :(


Can you please upload a 1080p version, or somewhere else than mega?


Someone uploaded the Master file! I mean I really want to see the cultured content but 45gbs a bit too step atm!

Sam Jansen

Anyone feel like uploading to their Google drive? Most who have started trying to download the episode can't use Mega again for 5 hours.

Justin Dodge

48GB!!! My phone doesn't have that much storage ;_;


I just cant stream ist i kinda feel scammed.


yeah this doesnt work for me, even with a decent connection, the limit set in place by the host is telling me this will take like 100 hours to download


Can't even get it to load on PC


When you subscribe for one episode and it’s this. That sucks. Feel like I got ripped off, hope this gets fixed soon 😭


I get that you record in 4K. However we don't all have 4K computers to enjoy your PODCAST. Your podcast most of us LISTEN TO might I add. 48 GB for this is insane. Your streaming doesn't work and I now get wait hours to download this video that I'm NOT EVEN GOING TO BE WATCHING IN 4K.


I'm in the same boat. I just subscribed because of this episode, but seeing that this isnt the only post with issues I'm not going to continuing my subscription


I subscribed before this and this is bs. why pay extra for something you can't even watch for being a patreon


It's buffering, really really bad. D: Not able to say why cause I'm unsure, but might be the service you use to offer the videos. Maybe try dividing it into sections so it's easier to load? Please?


It’s not the end of the world, but I’m hoping the team can avoid this situation in the future. I’ve been a patron for a while, and the one episode I really want to watch on patreon is impossible to access. Things go wrong, and that’s okay! It would be nice to know that this won’t be a repeat thing though.


I just asked Connor on stream and he said someone is fixing the download link now so it should be up in 1080p soon


Damn just subbed XD


*a knife collector* Joey just called a Karambit a kunai REEEEEEEEE jk jk


You should upload videos like these in .mkv - every player can play them and they're extremely small - perfect for sharing online. MP4 has really bad compression so the end file ends up being MASSIVE - mkv files retain the same quality sometimes even better quality while being a fraction of the size. It's a pretty common format, windows 10 supports it natively.


What is the key?


Same had been wondering on what the key is please help




Copy the full link in the post or use 'nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc' as key (without quotes)


Last time I was here was just for the hentai episode. Can't wait to look at hentai figures


Can you upload a version that is a little bit smaller? It's 46 GB big.


Boys as a third world fan (Mexican) i need to said this so sorry not sorry but we got cape download at MEGA only 2gb per 8 hours so i need like two weeks too see or download this episode, plis get your SHEEEEEESHHH togheter and think about the fans whit this problemas, google drive or something else like YT unlisted video in a second priv channel anything except MEGA would be nice https://prnt.sc/23howya (I dont know if any know spanish but im sure you can see the 04h07m26s i need to wait to see another 15-20 min of the video, is that or pay 5 euros to MEGA something i not gone to make i prefer houndres time more to give a sub on any of your twitch channel or something like that no pay it to MEGA)

Hamza Helal

I love you guys but is there any other place where you can upload uncensored footage other then "Mega"? The platform and the player in general is dreadful.


bro, 45 Gigs? It will take a full month for my free mega sub to donwload it all


Anyway to watch this on a different platform. Mega is so choppy


Please upload a 1080p version or even better just upload an unlisted video on youtube. 46 gbs is actually insane even with a good internet


The file size for this video is nuts.


how about uploading it to youtube


Boys, have you requested a feature from youtube or google to support your pay gated content? Happy to help you figure out better options for streaming your paid content. Either cloud streaming or something.


I subscribed to watch this, but really? 40Gb+ of data that can't be loaded without speed limiting or fiddling with workarounds? And you talk about "bad pirates": I'll better download this from a reuploaded link in comments or torrents later with more ease and better speed than pay for a fucking mega link with a rate limit to download 4k video which isn't even useful for my monitor's resolution.


Definitely need a better way to view it. It won't even load to watch it without downloading it. And then with the free download, it'll take me about 2 months to download lol


Please do not ever put anything on Mega. Are we supposed to pay them as well to download your videos.


man this 46gb vid is tragic


What is description code


43,86$ per month (what ever after tax ) , they use a shit video site that on pc i have to use a app just to download like wtf, then its in 4K like come on do a 1080p on or a 720p not everyone has fiber . I pay the 5 buck i know Ash and the Team work hard so i dont mind i even bought dripy merch but not to do checks on this is just Lazy. love you guys but get it fixed plz or im pulling my sub on here it not worth the last clip was on nov 17. big fan of the show hope this gets fixed


yep joined as well just to watch this episode, sadly my viewing experience is significantly worse then that on YouTube. just going to cancel my membership and go back to YouTube.


uploading it to mega and having PAID users to download the 45GB uncensored episode feels kinda unprofessional to me...


Video ain't even loading for me and i'm not about to download a 45gb video just to watch it. yeah sry i'm gonna cancel my membership and just watch the censored version on yt...


what a scam


Oh no 45 gb!!


Video doesn't load


Massive fumble guys.. I paid $7 to get locked out with a Decrypt key message. And from the sound of things the video is a hefty 45gb fix your crap


What the hell. Mega is garbage.


please fix.. waiting on this version..


pls fix


Guys this terrible. Just post a link to a better hosting site that doesn’t require some garbage decryption key that paid users don’t have access to


Wanted to watch it on patreon but 1 mega standard acc is 20gb so can’t download the massive 45gb 2 streaming it from mega very difficult 5 seconds then buffering it’s two hour nope


honestly this was a mistake putting it on mega not gonna lie why not just put it on G drive like with the clips


you guys do realise that you just need to copy+paste the entire line to be able to view the video with out any decryption keys...right?


the password is next to the link: nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc


I just wanted to watch the video but i can't because its not only on one of the worst video sharing sites and can't load, but i can't even download the video to watch because: a) Mega will stop my download randomly because i won't pay their subscription. That's ignoring the fact downloading from mega is far too slow b) Its way too large. Most people don't have 45gb lying around, especially the people here who use the storage they have for games and anime/manga. A solution to this would be to just use a different video sharing platform (like google drive which has been used before) and/or a 1080p version for people who don't have the storage, the speed, or the right monitor to watch and/or download 4k (which is what this video is i believe).


So the only problem with google drive, is that you can end up with so many people watching it, that it literally becomes unavailable to watch or download. There are workarounds, but its a bit of a pain in the ass.


Hmm, a better way to distribute this is to have a GDrive folder with multiple export sizes. We appreciate the 4k, but some of us can't handle it. I recommend 720p, 1080, 1440p and 4k.


copy and paste the full link just clicking on it doesn't work


Haven't downloaded yet but assuming the quality is high with the large file thanks for that. Got to fill my HDD with something


copy and paste the full link just clicking on the link doesn't work


lol nice


Hope you guys find an alternative way to release the Patreon content. Mega is not a good way to stream ANY video, and 46 gigs for a single video is ridiculous. I feel for the people donating today and realizing they can't watch it cause the format is inaccessible. Been a patron since Hentai Episode. Cheers.


You guys need to upload a 1080 version for specials and clips. just because we have $7 dollars a month does not mean we have 4k monitors and fibre optic internet.

Rakmar 26

Well it took the better part of 6 hours to get MEGA to download the video but I can finally see the pores on the Bois faces. Hope my $5 helps find a better way to release Pateron content, almost went back to YouTube but curiosity got the better.


I'm unable to view this


Yeah guys, no, 46 GB on mega is not really viable. Love you, really looking forward to the figure special, but this way I'm gonna spend hours just buffering.

aud3 da dog

What a waste of $5. Come on, at least upload a 1080p version.


i joined the patreon to see the uncensored version because looking at censored figures is kind of ridiculous. Not their fault obviously but the quality of their upload and borderline inactive patreon just isnt worth the money. A quick fix to the videos would be easy and make this place feel a little more attended to.


Not sure why you chose a "free" hosting like MEGA. Good hosting is not expensive. You can probably afford it ;)


Wow, I literally can’t watch this at all. The file they’re providing is too large for the free version of MEGA to even process, another comment posted a link to an 8gb version on mega that also isn’t working unless I pay for MEGA. Kinda stinky I just joined the Patreon today for this episode


My expectations were low, but holy fuck did you miss them


Ahem 45,89GB? Bruh??? That's like 12 HD movies


It isn't bad by any means but all this effort and money just to see some uncensored figures. I don't think some people have the internet speed to watch or download it.


Spending $10k on figures and then skimping on the hosting is not a good look


Bois please, at least give us the option to download a smaller file size 1080p is just fine for most.


anyone else having hella lag trying to watch the video ? or is my enternet just dog water ?


I'm pretty sure they hired someone else to run the Patreon. I'm pretty sure Patreon isn't available in Japan. This is shit though


Can we maybe get a version that is watchable like 1080p and not 48GB. I can't even get the video to start.


Can we get a viewable version of the video please


Umm I can't even download it cuz it's over 2 gb and I'm not gonna pay for megadownload, hope the boys sees this and put it somewhere else or lower the file size somehow. Even 720p is duoble for me.


the best 5 dollars ever


The video keeps buffering for me and never loads aswell

Lars Russell

I've been trying to get this to work but Mega isn't making it easy. The 48GB download is insane when the previous NSFW versions were 4-8GB, I'm sure it's due to how the video came out of editing but moving forward I believe Mega isn't going to work for Trash Taste. Their video watcher is not as good as YouTubes. I hope you guys find a new way of sharing videos like this in the future


Connor is streaming right now and the problems getting addressed guys dont worry!!!


yep mods are on top of it too so should go live in 1080p soon

Kyle Ray Norsworthy

I've waited 6months for a figure to be delivered I can wait until apparently late night for the 1080p upload. Thanks for the hard work BTS Trash Taste <3


Mega.nz throttles you and doesn't let you continue watching until 5 hours later. So they force you to way $6 if you want to finish watching the video. Else you have to download 46gb which would take well over 2 hrs. (They may throttle you in the same way. I haven't confirmed.) $5 for patreon, they don't even zoom in on anything. Then you can only watch 1/6th of the video EVERY 5 HOURS unless you pay mega.nz with direct credit card $6. smh Trashtaste why u do this to us. Use vimeo or something else. Also give us more close ups. THIS WAS NOT WORTH


mega.nz throttles you after 30 min. you can't continue for 5 hrs unless you have a membership


mega.nz throttles you after 30 min. you can't continue for 5 hrs unless you have a membership


The method for viewing the uncensored version is a joke. Most people don't have 45gb to spare to download it, or the bandwidth to support it. Guess I'll just watch the blurry blobs on the table on YouTube. Cool video otherwise, but not being able to see the uncensored is extremely disappointing.


Would be a good idea and low effort to take high quality pictures of all the figures for the degens that paid for patreon.

Chris Jeong

Trying to watch/download anything from mega.nz is pretty painful. If anyone's modding patreon, consider releasing via better platform.


I want to watch and subscribed just to watch this episode uncensored but Mega is horrid. I can't download it without paying a sub fee to mega, and it won't load on the player to watch. like what is this catch 22 BS?


I've bitten the bullet and paid, but living in Australia (gotdamnit Joey, you know the struggle) it's going to be hours before it's ready. I'm lucky that I can pay, but it's a bit much for lots of folks who are super keen and already paying to support content to fork out again.


Meganz not working can someone help me out?


I'm just gonna go to bed and hope this is fixed when I wake, cause I'm definitely not buying a mega subscription


Yeah sadly not able to watch or download, hope it gets fixed :(


Pls fix this


The best way I've found to watch the video is by not watching it through mega, but by watching it on youtube. When you get to a part that is uncensored, open the mega link, play the video, wait for it to lag, subtract 2 minutes and 10 seconds plus any length of their sponsor segments you have passed from where you are in the youtube video and that will be the timestamp for the mega video. This is a stupid solution, but one that will hopefully work for most people. The video should have been put on google drive or an unlisted youtube video/another platform.


It's sad to imagine that at least a few people probably caved and bought a MEGA subscription. The cynic in me ponders if this is an "under the table" MEGA deal by the uploader. :thinking:


Ah yes, because a raw 4k upload on Mega sounds like a great way of getting this to your paying subscribers. FIX THIS.


Can't watch this. I have 100 GBPS download speed but it buffers every 3 seconds and can't download it unless I pay for mega. Not gonna buy a subscription...


I tried this as well but it only plays 3 seconds at a time before it starts buffering again


Imagine putting the full version behind a paywall and then not even making it work right........

Digital Realm

Link needs a decryption key..... already regretting my decision to join this patreon. Is this usual ? Or just for this posted episode?


Boys can you reupload it somewhere else other than mega?


>45 gigs AND I'M OUT. Seriously, whos job is it to encode these? It's not that hard to reduce the file size of a 2.5 hr recording to at least a quarter without noticeable dips in fidelity.


This was a pain to try and watch/download. I'm out.


Connor mentioned on stream that they are fixing the issue.


Gonna join in saying you guys need to find a better way to host this stuff in the future. Like I get you don't want people to pirate it, but you all should know as well as anyone thanks to your fields of expertise that when you make something significantly less convenient to access, people will flock to the pirate option. Seriously just throw it on a google drive or unlisted vimeo link or something and call it good. If the people want to support you (like we do) we will do so regardless of the uncensored content (like we do) and the people who would default to pirating will do so anyway.


Cant you guys use Streamble instead? seen a lot of people use it and it works really well, this MEGA idea is not it.


Yeahhh, im a new patron and this is really bad guys. seriously don't ever do this again.


I hope you guys have a good christmas, and I love the content.


this is just ridiculous, even my 5gbps fiber internet cannot load this


Ngl pledged just for this 👀 but tbh, I actually have some cash now so les go, supporting the boys.


It constantly buffers, and you have to pay to download it, not worth it


Just joined for this video but I'm not sure if the problem the others had was fixed in the last few minutes but I have no issues watching it right away, no buffering or any issues? Just opened the link and added the code and watched it all fine?


Why is this so complicated.....


What is the decryption key?


literally unwatchable...very disappointed


Yeah I did too the video just buffers after a few seconds and I have very fast internet (over 1gbs)


ya the link for the uncensored is not very good..


I agree with Wan Chai. I just want to cast this to google cast and I can't even download it to plex? At least if it was Vimeo hosted I wouldn't have to think about it, but not being able to download it... very frustrating experience.


The file size is absolutely enormous. RIP to those who submitted their jank PC setups to the stream for the PC rankings...

Shadow Viper7Z

I joined patreon to watch this uncesord for anime figure titties...cant even watch it great


I bit the bullet for a mega subscription, it ain’t worth it

PlasmaEMT プラズマ

Dropbox, GDrive, now Mega. The boys really are trying to speedrun each cloud service. Can’t wait for the next one to be on iCloud lmao


Friends, I got the megadl client to work by re-writing the URL. It seems the command line downloader doesn't support the sites new URLs... If you're just trying to get this onto a plex server run: megadl 'https://mega.nz/#!DHI2kZiQ!nr6fLY0_dI_dgUyvFgGjR-TzsMmA87bJxgszf4M0pHc' <3 Merry Christmas. Hopefully Trash Taste can get this figured out in the new year <3


Super Slow though :(


Guys, can you please maybe upload 1080p or 720p version at the very least, so that people can watch it? Not everyone has the super fast internet providers


Hey everyone, the way i watched it was by alligning the youtube video with the mega video. and just skipped to the part i missed.


The lack of communication and consideration is disappointing.


The file is too large


Folks, we are happy to pay to support y’all, but I ain’t gunna pay for mega as well.


As much as I want to support the boys with their endeavors, it really sucks when you pay for something premium but you dont even get it :3


well okay i have seen the episode now after downloading the almost 50 gigs and i have to say its not worth the patreon. 90% of the figures are either small and to far away to see any detail or mostly, they are blurry anyway because they are out of focus, i like the content but the captureing of the figures was a L in my eyes. would like to see improvement on that front next time something visual is beeing shown .

Kyle Ray Norsworthy

Have no idea what the person above me is talking about. Figures are clear and in focus. If you really want more focus I guess you can put more work on the staff and they can take the figures after filming and record a like short 10-15sec video of each one and then shove it somewhere on the screen when they're shown.


Whoever did the censoring in the video did a great job with it but holy hell it was overboard. Absolutely ridiculous. Censoring a butt when other butts are already on screen? Censoring an airsoft gun? The censors all being as big as they were? It was too much, absolute lunacy.


I hate to complain but do we have to keep using Mega? It’s so inconvenient on us who don’t have the time or space to download a two hour video (ಥ ͜ʖಥ)


this videos dont load


Um why is this 45 GIGS?!?! The previous 4k episodes were like 5 Gigs. A worthwhile size for culture. This is not correct, undo.


Wheres the file password? I can't find it?

Breanna Cortez

Where’s the password please??


The Password is after the # in the link


50GB of pure culture


Literally bought the patreon to watch this and now it doesn’t work


What is the decryption key for the download?


Will be downloading later


Where is the 1st figure episode? uncensored

Becky Corcoran

You can’t stream this to your TV 🥲