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Hi everyone!!

As I promised in the last video I tried my best to make the clock update minute by minute. It wasn't an easy feat as I dealt with many (expected) issues. As many of you will notice I'm still having lots of issues with the marbles getting stuck on the machine as there's about a 2:5 ratio between good and bad marbles. If anyone knows about a good source of glass marbles please let me know. I had to do a bit of fiddling with the programming to get the timing right and I broke a few more things that what can be seen in the video but at least we have a clock that runs on time now. It is now louder and has less music to it, it is less zen and more stressful but learned a lot here. This project was a lot of fun and I may try some of the things that I could not do in this series in the coming videos. As always loving to hear from you in the comments.






What an amazing project. Maybe you could create a new quiet clock using nerf balls and shooting them into place with compressed air. Or is that a crazy idea?

Chris Mayhew

Nice work, I remember having an old marble clock when I was a kid and that was so loud! Is it not possible to reject the marbles earlier in the lift to reduce the noise?

Ivan Miranda

Believe it or not that was already on the pile of ideas (I guess that's why we all are here together) I'm not confident enough yet about how to pull that off but it itches me a lot.

Ivan Miranda

The spiral toboggan was there for a reason but something that almost never happens happened. I had prepared a triple row of solenoids to push the marbles in and that required to reject the marbles after the solenoids but I managed to get under a minute without needing that and then I forgot to explain it in the video🙃. Chris, you are the voice of all the audience with this question 😂