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Hi everyone, this week video will go up this Friday at 19:00 UTC. I'll recover my sleep with this modification. 




Jim Barnes

Why did you decide to switch to the direct feed? I am wondering cause I've been using your basic plans with modifications to make my own slightly larger printer and was wondering if there is a big problem with the boden setup?

Ivan Miranda

Not really, in the first stage it seemed to me like a less problematic approach, that is why I switched to direct. My idea was at first to solve the rest of the issues on the printer and then go back to bowden which I already did (I hope you saw that video) With this print volume, speed is a must, and a light carriage is mandatory to get a decent speed, that's why bowden, even with it s own deficiencies is still superior to direct in large printer. And also... thanks a lot!!!!!!!!

Jim Barnes

no problem. The frame for mine taken from your design is 1000 x 500 x 500mm

Ivan Miranda

With that size you'll probably need some cross braces to add rigidity from top to bottom, other than that you'll end up with really huge prints! Cool!