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Hi everyone!

Trying to build the Go Kart to race Matt Denton found a lot of flaws in the design on the blocks but I found even more things that could be improved. I had built the "mini" version of the Go Kart but I needed something with more "engineering punch" to do the final test to the design so I went for an excavator. 

This has proven to be a good project to test the design because I found lots of more improvements along the way and I'm loving these blocks even more the more I use them. 

As I'm getting lots of questions about the new even bigger printer, that one is going through a revision as it has lots of "it's the first version" things that can be improved so I'll most probably make a new video with a rebuild from start to finish before I can release any plans. 

I'm also testing the viability of a "desktop" metal 3D printer using a laser diode and the first tests are quite promising, I'll keep you posted.

As always let me know your thoughts in the comments!





Neil Devonshire

I love this build Ivan, but how long was spent making it, and more importantly, how long did you play with it :-)

Ivan Miranda

I for sure didn't think that it was going to take so much time to refine the design but I think I have it nailed now. And yes, I played enough with it to break it XD

Neil Devonshire

Haha, that's the sign of a good designer, play with it until you discover its weakness :-D. Nice work